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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

An awesome day thus far

This morning I moved right along getting ready to go to Bible study at Victory as I did not wish to repeat last week's tardiness. After I had showered and dressed for the day, I sat at the computer to check my e-mail and Facebook. My friend, Cindy, asked for a rain check for our dinner tonight as she had some family obligations to take care of. Rats! I was looking forward to it but can readjust accordingly. As I was writing her a note, Justin sent me a text message to make sure I remembered about Bible study and made our plans to meet at church. Before I left the property, I made certain that Connie saw me up and about!
We had fewer in class today as some were traveling or at work. Our study was about End Times, my favorite but highly emotional subject. (Afterward, Justin asked me if it is almost time to sing "Jerusalem, the Golden", and said he could not wait to hear Rachel play it at church. That will be in November when the church year recognizes the End Times.) As it was my turn to read today, as hard as I tried not to, the tears ran and I choked momentarily, reading about how Jesus assured His disciples about "my house has many mansion.....I go to prepare a place for you....." Gets me every time!! We went around the table, upon reading the 23rd Psalm, emphasizing first the pronoun of God, and then again emphasizing the pronoun of "me or I" as it is read aloud. This is something good to memorize and repeat each morning, remembering the things "God" does for "me", for us.
We also took turns explaining about the spiritual things in life we enjoy or have. Some mentioned general blessings, Justin mentioned hope in the original sense of the word, and then it was my turn. I started out saying that Justin had taken my word, but Pastor said I had to come up with my own. As if I wasn't!?!? Anyway, I talked about the comfort and assurance we have, the inner joy.....and before I could finish, Pastor said, "THAT was the word I was waiting to hear from you!" Justin muttered, "I knew you were going to say 'joy'..." At the very start of the class, we had a list of five things from which we were to choose how we felt about the future, ours as well as the world's. It began with optimistic, excited, uncertain, I don't care, or frightened. The first two people chose "uncertain" but when it got to me, I picked "excited" and Pastor said, "That's what I expected you to say!" Not that any of the answers were wrong, but the lesson goes on to show the "reasons for the hope that we have." So, between the "excitement" and the "inner joy", tears were shed. Not only me, either, as the two other ladies, in considering our future in heaven, got a bit choked up, as well. The men did their fair share of "throat clearing" as well, but we know what that's all about, don't we?
After class Justin and I dropped his car off in the student parking lot and then went to have lunch at the Town Center Mall. I chose Mimi's Cafe where we dined el fresco. Justin mentioned that he wanted jambalaya, which brought us to the "Soup Nazi" episode of "Seinfeld", which he has now fallen in love with. A later bloomer than I am!!! He was not thrilled that this is attributed to Newman, though. Justin asked me to help him find the Old Navy store in the Mall because it did show up on his iPhone map. Sure, why not? He had an idea where it was and we both spotted it at the same time. He needed some new flip flops, he goes through them quickly, and then he had to look at few more things. Since he has lost now 75 pounds, Justin is all about clothes and style, but fortunately his tastes are yet simple, like Old Navy and American Eagle, the lower end of fashionable! What comes after these stores? I hate to think about it!


Anonymous said...

It is good that Justin doesn't need to wear the high end of the clothing lines. Jamie was always happy with things I bought at Walmart or Kmart. Dan could care less as long as he is warm. it is a rainy, windy and gloomy day today. Means work will be really slow. I can not imagine you not being without a word at any time. I remember Kerry saying she wanted to come by you to strengthen herself spiritually. May I come too? I must go and face the elements now. Hate driving in this weather. warm hugs! Jill

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

What a nice thing to say to me, Jill! Yes, you may come here for some spiritual strengthening but it is always available to you in the Word. The scenery and setting I can provide, thankfully, through our good and gracious God! I rejoice that Kerry will have some respite here, and she will get much church exposure over CHRISTmas. We are going to divide our worship time between Good Shepherd and Victory.

Buying the brand-names and such is something reserved for after one has graduated from college and is established firmly in a job. Not using money needed for other bills or the cost of living on high-end merchandise. As long as the kids look decent and are warm, it matters not. Unless their aunties, mommies or grandmothers wish to dress them up, that is!

Rarely without words,


Anonymous said...

I just had time to read this now, that sounds like a very interesting class. We started a study of Psalms last night, she reviewed what they did this summer and we will pick up there. I now have 4 different opportunities for Bible study during the week! I hope I can keep up with all of them. WE sang Amazing Grace at staff devotion today, love it!!

Better get to work before they ask me to go home!

Love you,
Linda J

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.:

No one had better scold you there, you are too valuable! Glad to hear you sang about the Lord's Amazing Grace today, what a wonderful beginning!

We have the four opportunities for study as well including Sundays, so happy you are able to take advantage of these classes. Mom told me about the conversation after newsletter day about appreciation of the Word in one's advanced true!

I hope you said "hi!" to everyone who knows me at the Bible study!



Anonymous said...

Good morning!

It is rainy and "cool" today...the cold is yet to come. We did the church newsletter yesterday....had a nice time....with coffee and muffins courtesy of Linda.J.
We sat and visited for a time.

We had a good Bible Class Wednesday night, although he does go quite fast so I've given up on taking notes. We can't go to long over time because of choir practice... Also had a good Rally on Wed. Full day!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

Whew, what a day you had on Wednesday! Good thing Pastor's wife didn't go into labor that same day.

Who were your Rally speakers? Did you see anyone there that I know?

Thanks for helping with the newsletter, I am sure Linda appreciates it, in fact, I KNOW she does!!!!

Love 'n hugs,
