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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Home again, worn out but thrilled

What a crying week it has been! The senseless murder of a small child, the reminders of my own loss and how much I miss him, and then culminating with singing, with the choirs, congregation, and especially, Justin, "In Christ Alone". We sang this closing hymn while standing, which makes for better expression, with Rachel, our guest pianist, playing softer and louder as the hymn called for it. Perfect! During the final stanza, though, the message hits home and my tears just let loose. Justin was sniffling, too, squeezing my arm, and then whispering that he saw some others wiping their eyes, too. Stephanie, my friend from Victory, said after church that she survived the hymn, knowing "my friend, Kim, was singing behind me and probably crying...." We are newer friends but already she knows. "No guilt in life, no fear in death....from life’s first cry to final breath....Jesus commands my destiny....No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand...‘til He returns or calls me home here in the power of Christ I’ll stand."
Our choirs received compliments for the anthems in praise to the Lord, including the one which was kicking my butt. The extra rehearsal time plus the combined choirs alleviated my fears. Sadly, Rachel, the music director from Victory, was not pleased with the quality of the bells this a.m. so decided no bells at our afternoon worship. It would not be "excellent" so the decision was made to not have them. We had looked forward to having them play during the worship but she knew best.
After the service we adjourned to the fellowship hall for our lovely dinner. We had more than enough food, plenty of desserts, and beautifully decorated tables. Justin coerced me into tasting a piece of zucchini, telling me I could wash it down my soda or macaroni and cheese from my plate. Really, I did not like it. Gretchen was pleased with the Luther display, saying it was better than she even anticipated. I will probably take it down tomorrow before Bible study and see what she wants done with it. Before I take it down, I want to get a picture of it for posterity purposes. I forgot the camera today so no photos for the newsletters, rats!
The altar flowers were mine today so after the dinner, Justin and I took them out to take to the cemetery. I wanted to make sure to get there and out before sundown because of it being dark or getting locked in...If there are no funeral home visitations going on, they close the gates earlier. The other day my friend, John, my "boyfriend" at the cemetery told me that I could plant flowers around Timmy's tree if I want to. I said I thought that was not allowed and he said, "You know I let you do whatever you want...." Oh, great, now that I pulled all my stuff off the site! So, Cindy, what do think? What will grow nicely under the tree in the fall/winter? There are sprinklers now and new drainage pipes installed, quite conducive to good growing!
A few moments ago Paul called to tell me that Sarah was quite upset because she did not get to hug Justin! When he tried to hug on her, she hid behind her daddy and refused to even say 'hi' to him, and Justin told her he would was going to get her later. Well, when we left, she came running out after him, wanting to hug him. It turned out it was not Justin she saw, we were already gone, and she was so upset. Sarah said, "but Justin said he was going to get me, and now I was going to hug him....." I told Paul that's what she gets for playing hard to get, which is exactly what he told her! She was crying, the whole shootin' match over missing her Justin. I told Paul I would get a hug from her tomorrow and promise to deliver it for her when I see him again. She could call him on the phone but Paul said she refused to do that. Sarah will have to listen to "I Hope You Dance" so does not miss her chance to hug her godfather next time!!!

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