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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I hope everyone is okay out there....

..........since I missed a day of posting! In the movie, "Julie and Julia", Julie's husband asked her what would happen if she took a break from her blog and cooking for awhile, "would people kill themselves, take poison or something, if you don't write??" Yes! Or at least threaten to do so! Linda is here so I won't get a scolding from her but I had better shape up after she leaves tomorrow. I was not too busy to post yesterday, too lazy or uninspired, instead. I did have some church work to take care of, editing once more the long-range plans.
After we got done with the ladies' breakfast at church, we took a ride out to Fleming Island to visit St. Margaret's Church. We walked around the cemetery and took some photos of the church, but it was too cold for us to stroll long on the grounds. We took a ride around the Island and I showed Lynn where Justin works and such. We came back home, then, and 'rested' some, as we watched "Pride and Prejudice", some of us with our eyes closed. The two ladies had gotten up VERY early to watch the shuttle launch, given that I had told them it went up Saturday instead of Sunday...OOOPS! The two ladies tried again this early morning for the launch but it was not to be----nine minutes before the launch it was scuttled due to weather. Let's see if they are up at 4:14 a.m. on the day they fly back to WI! This might make for a very long day!
We went to dinner at Carrabba's with Justin joining us. The place was jam packed but we eventually managed to find a seat at the bar to wait it out. We got there at 6:00 pm which would have been early eating for Justin and me but since we were not seated until nearly 7:30, we were right on schedule. This brings to mind an exchange at choir the other night, when the ladies arrived---Kristi asked if they got here okay and I said the two ladies were safe at my house, enjoying some pizza and cheese sticks. I told Kristi what I told Linda, that by the time the ladies leave, they will be accustomed to my schedule, and Kristi said, "No, they won't!". Yeah, she is probably right about that! Back to our meal at Carrabba's----we so enjoyed our dinners and our time together and I will enjoy my leftovers!
Today was Bible study, worship, and communion clean-up. Justin came to worship with us to spend just a bit more time with his godmother and his friend, and his mama, of course. We had plenty of hands to help with the communion clean-up and since Justin knew what needed to be done, he led the way. While Linda and he worked in the kitchen, joined later by Lynn and me, I took care of the tables, trays, linens, and such. Lynn helped me cover the altar after she finished her conversation with Pastor Kuske. There were refreshments in the Fellowship Hall but we did not stick around, having to get to lunch, you know! Jackie asked Lynn where we were going to have lunch, and then she said, almost secretively, "Kim eats out a lot....", like a tattle-tale. This was nothing new to Lynn, obviously, but Jackie thought she was letting the cat out of the bag. Really?
After our lunch at Longhorn, which took wwaayy too long for some reason, we came home to rest with our feet up before going down to Maureen's for the baby shower for Jessica. I am glad they were allowed to join me for the shower because not only did they get to see this lovely home, but also meet many of the folks I write or talk about. Even Ellen came! And what a great, great time we had! They had finger sandwiches, brownies with rich frosting and mini-cup cakes. Our only 'game' was to go around the room and have the ladies describe their first baby's room, or the situation of their firstborn. Both Linda and Lynn said they were amazed to know the lowly beginnings these seemingly 'successful' moms had. One had only a wash basket for their first baby and another had a crib shipped to them by her parents because they could not afford to buy their own. And my story was about searching around for an oak crib and bedroom furniture for our little first born! We were so blessed then, and I continue to be with riches beyond measure---my son, my home, my building, my friends, my church............................I could go on and on but am just so overall thankful to the Lord for His blessings! May He also bless Lynn and Linda's travel tomorrow night as they fly back to Wisconsin. Whew, where did that time go???


Linda M said...

Dear Kim,
I know you are having a wonderful week with your friends.

The Linda that is visiting,she is the one in the pic at the top of your blog page, enjoying an adult beverage under the umbrella???

If she is not with you in FL, I saw her on the news this AM at a winter festival in Fish Creek!!! Or at least a very good replica!!!

Going to venture out today for some stamps before the show storm tomorrow.

On Winter Storm Watch in WI,

Linda M

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda M.!

Yes, Linda J. is here with me in Florida for a few more hours, so that really must have been a remarkable likeness in Fish Creek! How funny that is!

My travelers are concerned about what they are going to face upon landing in MKE tonight....I hope they get home and safe before the storm hits!

Thanks for not poisoning yourself, by the way!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Good morning:

The ladies are on my mind today. I'll be happy when I hear they are in Milwaukee. I hope they don't have trouble in Atlanta. I don't know if they had as much snow as on the NE coast but the were listed a couple times with the airportshut downs. We are supposed to get hit tonight and tomorrow.

I know you will be calling so I'll wait for your call.



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom,

The ladies are watching the weather plus Jill gave us a head's up this a.m. There was some thought about perhaps changing the flight times but that might have been too involved and expensive. They will simply take their chances....

I know you will so happy to know they are back in WI. In a month or so I will up there so then you can have Lynn and me! Lucky you!!



p.s. I will call you on the way home from the airport...