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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Quiet by comparison

Tonight we are sitting around in the family room watching TV, a relatively quiet ending to the day as compared to last night when we had our house full of dinner guests. For our dinner tonight we ate leftovers which means we ate at home two nights in a row! I defrosted a container of my 15 Bean Soup plus we had the remainder of Lynn's potato leek soup. Another huge mess was made from my soup as it cooked over in the wave, added to the already horrific spatter from when I heated marinara sauce Wednesday night. Yikes! It was all over the back of the wave, the sides, top, and door. I can reach half way into the microwave and the door but not the rest of it. Justin will have to do that for me when he comes again. The directions for heating up the sauce said nothing about covering it before cooking but Lynn said it is best to always cover anything tomato. From now on, I certainly will!
We had a lazy start to our day, no lovely sunrise for Linda to watch, only clouds. Sadly I had only a few hours of sleep because my teeth, sometimes top and bottom on the right side were aching me. It was after 3:00 a.m. when I finally fell asleep and was awake again before 8:00 a.m. with broken sleep. Today my teeth have been fairly quiet and I pray that is true for tonight, too. Why do these things always seem worse at night??? Anyway, once up, we enjoyed the river room and conversation before we began our day. The plans were to go to Great Hangs Ups, eat lunch at Koko's, and see a movie. Done, done, and done!
As we sat around chatting at Hang Ups, my phone rang. It was Justin and as soon as I answered, he asked, incredulously, "How did I know it? How did I know you were going to be there???" He said at 10:00 a.m. he was thinking about us and thought to himself, "I bet they will come up here and go to Hang Ups and Koko's......" And as he drove by, he spotted my car in the lot. Justin was too busy today to join us at all but couldn't get over having predicted our plans! I must be predictable or something.
Dee joined us for lunch which was so wonderful and fun. Julia had to mind the fort while we were gone but Dee took her some lunch from Koko's. The waiter came out to our table to ask me if it was okay to use shrimp because the chef thought I might not want it. He was assured by me that it was fine to keep the tiny shrimp in the mix but I was tickled that they cared enough to ask me. I just do not eat the large shrimp but the teeny ones were tolerable. Oh, it was such a delicious meal and the company equally so!
After lunch we went to Kohls so Lynn could get some shoes and to just shop. All I came away with was a pair of earrings from the sale rack! Lynn and Linda both got plenty including shoes for Lynn and off we went to Kirklands. From there to the movies to see "Dear John" where we had a great cry, enjoying the movie very much. My head ached from crying and Linda claimed at one point she nearly sobbed out loud. My plans to play "The Bucket List" tonight were not good since we had already cried so much and instead we watched "August Rush" which the two ladies had never seen. In a minute I am mixing together my ingredients for the egg/cheese souffle for tomorrow's breakfast. The ladies might get up extra early to see the shuttle go up at 4:39 but we shall see if it's going to happen. Hopefully the sky will be clear enough to see the shuttle go up and that it is not postponed. Or, if it is postponed, that it is scheduled for a more reasonable hour!


Darla said...

I'm sorry about your teeth! I hope they stopped hurting, and what a rotten time for them to start acting up! Those sleepless nights are no fun! Did the ladies get to see the shuttle?

Having no sunshine I think is getting to everyone..If you see Mr. Sun, would you please ask him to share his warmth and happiness with us too?

Good night Kim! Have a fun and blessed day tomorrow!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Darla,

I did sleep well last night, thank you, and I think the secret was keeping the temperatures away from them. I also took a cold/sinus capsule and an extra-strength ibupropea before bed.

Truly the lack of sunshine is hard on a person's physique and spirit of well-being. It is playing pee-a-boo with us so far today but I will give him the message!

Off to breakfast at church!



Rosalie said...

Hi Kim,
I'm placing on-line ads for my website and decided to take a break and read (I should say peruse) your blog entries and lost the ad I was working on so decided to comment on your blog instead. That 15 bean soup sounds really good. When you get a chance can you send me the recipe via e-mail. Your color scheme, as I can imagine in this "ole" brain of mine, really sounds bright and cheerful. So Justin has a girl friend. That is really great!! Be sure to tell him I said hello. The weather is absolutely beautiful; nothing but sun and not a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately it will start changing tomorrow, rain on Monday and cold, cold by the middle of the week. Hal is taking advantage of it and is working in the yard. I guess I rambled on enough. Take care my friend,
Love and hugs, Rosalie

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

Glad you are getting caught up on the blogs, I really appreciate it!

Nope, no girlfriend for Justin. I read back to see what made you think that and clarify it is Grove (Mike) and HIS girlfriend who went to the show with Justin and me.

My rooms are bright and cheery with lots of light, wishing we had more sunshine, though. I think your bad weather is coming our way so see if you can warm it up some before it gets here! So glad to hear that Hal is back working outside these days, the hip must be working out!

Love and hugs,


p.s. in regard to your phone message, please do send the song to me, I would love to hear it!

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion for cleaning your microwave. put in a cup of water and nuke it. It loosens up the splatter. I can't wait to see Dear John. I read the book and I cried. I know that Lynn is reading it or is going to read it. Just in time for Lynn and Linda to come home because they are talking snow. enough to make things really messy. Must go and do laundry. Cold winter hugs with sunshine. Jill

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

I had to laugh at your remark about me not doing well with the space shuttle!

"Dear John" must be in your theaters up there, it opened here Friday. I own the book, but, sadly, have not opened it. Linda did and cried through the whole movie. Lynn read only a few pages of it but got involved in a different book here at my house.

It feels cold enough here to snow but certainly it is ACTUALLY colder up there! I wish it had been nicer here but what can you in February, you know?

Have fun doing wash!
