Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Photos from Sunday
Watching the news from my bed
Monday, November 29, 2010
“Frequent conversations will fill your heart with joy”
Gotta love those fortune cookies from Ming Moon! I was so busted because when talking on the phone with Justin, the delivery man arrived with my dinner. The guy stood at my door and I said, into the phone, “Just a minute, Sweetie…” and the delivery man, “Okay, okay”, thinking I was calling him 'sweetie'! Justin could hear him speaking to me and knew immediately it was Ming Moon. AND he knew exactly what was in the bag, that rascal! Seems I am quite predictable, too. Not long after I ate some of the dinner, Linda called me for the second time in a few days. While we were talking, I opened my fortune cookie and the above listed ‘fortune’ was tucked inside. Wow, even the Chinese know about Linda and me!
As long as I am sitting at the big desk, facing away from my room and into the river room, I do not have to look at the mess on my bed or the laundry basket filled to overflowing with stuff to be folded and/or put away. On the bed are some clothes for me to try on, bought ages ago on a shopping venture and it is now getting cool enough for me to wear them. IF they fit. But I am not sure how long I can look away so might have to address the mess, as it were.
Today before Bible study, Gretchen had me in stitches. It has been a while since I had a good belly laugh, not really been ‘feeling it’ much lately, but today, she got me going. After I had gotten settled into my seat next to her, Gretchen leaned over and asked me, serious as could be, “Have you started your baking yet?” I just lost it! She seemed surprised at how funny it struck me, and she added, “I haven’t started either…” which just made me laugh more. Once I had calmed back down again, she asked me if I had ever been a CHRISTmas baker. Hmmmm…..anyone? Can you answer that? Really, what is the matter with me? I simply cannot remember being much of a baker except for making the cookies with the Hershey kisses pressed into the middle. My favorite memory of that was when Lisa was a little girl, perched on a stool at my counter, unwrapping the foil from the chocolate. She heaved a great sigh and announced, “Whew, this is almost like working…” I can still hear her saying this and remember losing it that day too!
My mother-in-law was an incredible baker, her method of choice was baking as compared to meal prep. She would make pan upon pan of bars, treats, sweets, and cakes to serve over the holidays, plus making the caramel corn I loved so much, and Chex party mix. At my house, cut-out cookies, my all-time favorite, were made and frosted and decorated. Certainly cookies were made in my household, but I am guessing (remember, the memory of doing it myself has faded) my former spouse did it, with me as the helper. Yes,that I remember. And we would gather at the home of the Petskas, my in-law’s in-laws, to ‘color’ cut-out cookies with an egg white mixture. Those are fond memories but still, I laughed so darn hard today, and I thank Gretchen for that. Love it and love her!
Let me recap my day yesterday---after church, I came immediately home as Justin was coming from his service to help me haul my stuff to the car for delivery to church. It surprised me that he beat me home, having to drive about a half hour to get here. He said that Pastor Hoyer has to keep the two services pretty much the same, since the 9:00 a.m. one has to wrap up without going too long after 10:00 a.m. The next service begins at 10:30 with folks arriving early and socializing in their kitchen. Therefore, Justin got out promptly at 11:30 or earlier to make it to my house by noon. My neighbors were using a dolly to unload 1000 bins from Pat’s car, decorations galore. Her friend, Nathan, was taking a load upstairs so I had to wait for the elevator and as I talked to Pat, we heard a horrendous crash from above. Oops! The shattering glass we just heard was the top bin toppling from the dolly as Nathan tried to move from the elevator. Eventually the elevator came back for me with Nathan in it, and a sick look on his face. When I got up to the 3rd floor, I looked down to the 2nd and saw red and black ceramic-looking pieces lying around the landing. I felt badly for them both.
Jessica came out on the 4th floor to ask me what happened, whispering, and I announced in my regular voice that Nathan had a spill with Pat’s CHRISTmas decorations. Evidently her baby was sleeping with the sound of shattered glass coming over his nursery monitor. Oops! Once in my house, I told Justin that we should wait just a couple minutes to allow them to finish getting this batch of bins from the lobby up to Pat’s unit. Good, we can sit for a minute. He was torn as to where to go to watch football and since I was going to be home until at least half time, it worked for him to stay here with me. We switched forth and back between the Packer game and the Jaguar game (both teams ended up losing!) until it was time for me to head back to church, and he headed to his father’s house.
Once at church, the great unloading began. And I worked up a powerful sweat carrying all my bins and boxes into the fellowship hall, hauling in the lectern from church, marking the presents with the corresponding numbers, and setting the spare table. I wanted to have an extra table in case more ladies came than signed up, because as it was, we might have only two seats to spare. Whew! The ladies were good about getting their tables ready, and the 'floating ladies', my favorite kind!, were able to step and fetch for things, including trying to get the battery candles to operate. I gave up with about a half dozen and suggested putting the rest away, not worth the frustration. I could have used a couple more on the lectern, however, as night fell and light faded. The booklets the ladies were using were printed in dark print to make it easier to read, but mine I did in blue, not very dark at all. Oops! Suzanne scooted over to me with an additional battery candle to cast some light on my page. It went well, and I am thankful for all the help and contributors to the event. And was thankful for my bed and nightgown when I got home!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
My heart hurts this a.m.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
"Write what you know"
In watching a movie tonight on TV, one I have seen multiple times in the past and actually have in my collection, it occurred to me that the playwright, or screen writer, as the case might be, may have done that with this movie. In "Something's Gotta Give", a playwright, Erica, has an unexpected love affair with her daughter's gentleman friend, twice the daughter's age. 'Marin' has moved on, leaving Harry at her mom's beach home to recuperate from a heart attack. The two older folks hit it off but then Erica has her heart broken by the playboy, Harry, when he recovers. Erica, in mourning, proceeds to write the whole story into her play, which then becomes a smashing success on Broadway. So, here's my question: Did this happen to the person who wrote the screenplay for this movie in order for it to translate so perfectly to the big screen? Wow!!, if it did! When talking with young Timothy at Victory the other night, I tried explaining how I can write about something every day as I do, writing what I know. But, it seems I do not know the origin of the screenplay for the movie about a playwriter! Huh....go figure!
In a totally unrelated event, my upstairs neighbor, Rosemary, with whom Justin and I shared ThanksLiving dinner, called to ask if I had any rosemary she could borrow. What? As it turned out, I did, indeed, have a jar of rosemary in the cupboard, and have absolutely no idea how old it would be. I expect it would predate 2003 since I was separated that year and would not have had any need at all to buy rosemary thereafter. She invited me to her place for dinner, steaks on the barbie, but I graciously declined her invitation, having made a box of mac 'n cheese for my dinner. My tastes are rather simple and do not require seasonings! Rosemary can keep the rosemary....
Not a slow news today!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Another gorgeous sky
The buffet was wonderful, and I am sure many folks enjoyed the variety of sidedishes and salads offered. Being a meat and potatoes girl, I had mashed potatoes, prime rib, a broccoli cheese dish, something with spinach on top, and cranberries. Justin might have had some of the shrimp, I did not even note what he had on his plate. The turkey looked good too but I knew I would not eat both meats, nor did I have any of the smoked salmon. Danny, the cabana boy, was working the dessert table, which matched any lovely display seen on a cruise ship. From his table I took a champagne glass of creme brulee for my dessert. I had baked two pies when I got home from church so I had plenty of sweets coming my way. Oh, and Justin brought me a box of dark chocolate covered cherries, too!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy ThanksLiving!
Last night when I greeted Pastor Hoyer at the doors of Victory, I wished him a happy ThanksLiving. He hesitated a split-second and then said, "Yes, happy ThanksLiving." All through his sermon he was using the phrases 'thanksgiving' and 'thanksliving', connecting the dots in our lives with lines, to see what picture is made. Of course, the picture should be Jesus when we are done connecting the dots. After church, I said to Pastor, "You must think I peeked at your sermon!" and he said, "Not really...it's the natural thing to say..." I thought so, too, only never heard anyone else besides me use this expression!
Wednesday began very early for me, for some reason, as I found myself awake and awaiting the sun. The sky before the sun showed up was so magnificent a color, or colors, I should say, that it could have stayed that way all day! It looked like sherbet, the red and pinks, with some gold along the edge. (today is extremely foggy, not nearly as lovely to look out the window!). As the light made its way into my room, I could not help but notice that my bedroom floor was not what I would refer to as being clean---at all! I tolerated it staying that way until about 7:30 before fetching the dust mop and swishing it under the dresser. And then ended up seeing more and more and more that was missed the day before by Miss Sherri. The vacuum cleaner was hauled from the closet to finish the job and now all is well. The dust from the floor boards which were cut and put into place, added to the drywall finishing dust makes for dirty floors and dusty furniture. AND I have come to the conclusion that cleaning the room I spend the most time in for the last was not the best way to go! AND, as I have told Martie regularly over the years, if I wanted my house cleaned perfectly, I would do it myself!!!! On the upside, Miss Sherri, when presented with her check at the end of the day, gave me a big hug and said, "Now I can pay my utility bill.."
Sherri also told me I could call her if I found some things which were missed so I will give her a call to have her come back to put the finishing touches, or the beginning touches, on areas missed. The floor in the back bathroom, the scene of the Great Flood, is still dirty with saw dust, which I noticed behind the toilet the same day as the cleaning, and Mike found saw dust behind the bathroom door when he was grouting the crack between the threshold and tile yesterday.
Once I had my blog posted yesterday from Tuesday, delayed due to technical problems, I spent the rest of the day at the desk. Work was progressing on the church newsletter. Judy C., my BFF, was going to get me information she had written up about chrismons, which we wanted included in the newsletter. Judy, a novice when it comes to using the Internet and doing e-mails, had me talk her through how to attach a file to an e-mail but it still would not work. Later, her son came home and showed her how it is done. Once the article arrived, I was able to add graphics of the some of the symbols used for chrismons, which will hopefully allow folks to better understand why 'we' do the things we do. Our Ladies' Group had a few heated discussions regarding when and how to decorate the sanctuary this year (yikes, what next?) so this might serve as a bit of enlightenment regarding the importance and value of the ornaments used on our tree. For the newsletter, I am yet awaiting times for special services for CHRISTmas and if I do not hear otherwise, will simply put the time in the newsletter as TBA. The candlelight service time is different just about every year with the children's service staying the same. Also waiting for the information regarding Bible study for the rest of the year and into New Year.
One of the people hosting a table for the Ladies' Advent Service, Sandy, called me yesterday to report she had taken a tumble and has to stay off her feet for a week. Oh, oh! I sent out a special request to the congregation for someone to take up Sandy's table hostessing duties, with Janet coming forward. She is already playing all the music, some with Suzanne, for the service, but since she volunteered, well....It is great to have it now covered, one less thing with which to concern my head.
Late afternoon Mike came by to finish some grouting, as I mentioned earlier, and then asked if we could have a talk. You have to be nervous when your Elder requests a meeting, but not really. We talked for over an hour, perhaps longer, time flies when having good discussions. It was great to share some of the important information garnered from the School of Worship Enrichment, discussing the value of education and the need for successful communication, etc. He said he would like to look at the information and the report we ladies are putting together, and I hope he can. We also compared some notes on the folks who receive contact through me as well as from the Ladies' Group Sonshine Committee. As best I could, I introduced him to some of the names on his contact list, some of whom are shut-ins or members away. Time flew by!
After he left, I had to get myself ready for church, but did have plenty of time before leaving. On the ride over, I called Mom, who was just getting into the house with some purchases. She had sort of forgotten about celebrating Gabe's birthday later today at Lisa's, after the feast, so Lynn and she went shopping when Lynn was done working. Instead of going out to eat for dinner, though, Mom opted to go home and just have something there, as she was making her dish to share for today's feast. She did not know who was coming when, as Kerry and Lori with family are heading toward Manty or Sheboygan for the holiday. Kerry does not like to drive at night so she might not head out until first light today from Oshkosh. Alayna made it home on Tuesday night already, and was waiting for her daddy to get home from deer hunting. She reported last night that he did not get a deer yet this season.
At Victory last night, following the service, they had a pie and ice cream social. Oh, yum! I sat with Stephanie, Erica, Megan, and a nice young man named Timothy. Stephanie brought raisin pie, which I dearly love, and I was able to bring a couple slices home with me, plus a pumpkin bar for Justin. We were talking at the table about my blog, with both Stephanie and Erica reporting that they read it. I had no idea! Timothy, about 15, could not believe I write a daily blog of what goes in "A Day in the life of .....Kim!" but the ladies and I assured him I have no loss for words. Well, hardly ever...Erica, a lovely young woman in her last year of high school, claimed her life was so boring that she would never have anything to say. Timothy was still in doubt about how there can be enough to say, but somehow, I manage to drone on and on. As Stephanie wrote on Facebook Saturday, "You have the most adventures of anyone I know..." after Judy and I were towed off.
May you all have fewer adventures but make great memories today! "Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercies endure forever"!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Having a great morning, so far, on Tuesday
In September, right after Lynn and Linda left here, I wrote in Facebook that I had not had so wonderful a September, starting with Kerry’s visit and then the two ladies, in a very very long time. It was great---awesome! But only two days later, tragedy struck with my water leak and the destruction it wreaked in my building. And the angst remains as the dust is settling. But, speaking of dust, Sherri is here today, busily cleaning up the bathrooms at this writing and changing the color of the fixtures from dust-covered and stained to sparkling white! The product she is using is called Kaboom, with foam spraying out blue, turning to white as it ‘cleans’. Things smell nice and clean, and look clean as well. As the day progresses, she will dust everything and vacuum the floors , “mopping her way out the door”, she says. AND, I told her she cannot leave here without me paying her. Last time she escaped and would not allow me to pay for her time and efforts, and then came back with flowers and cookies when Kerry was here.
Justin and I were going to have a little feast on ThanksLiving Day, but plans are changing. Last night I told him the time I was planning the dinner and he asked, “So late?” He told me he was doing something earlier with some friends at a brunch so I figured he would need cooling off time between meals. Silly me! He informed me that he was invited to the beach to celebrate ThanksLiving for dinner (supper) so….Brenda and her son are coming by later in the day for pie and ice cream as will Joanne, then. Instead of my cooking for only the two of us, I had the brilliant idea of going to The Club for their buffet. As I explained to Justin, I was not being lazy about the cooking, it was just the timing was going to be goofy for trying to get the bird prepared in time for 2:30 serving. Not with church getting out at 11:00 (“…but, what if you stand around and talk???”)It is a bake-in-the-bag turkey breast, over 5# (it’s got me beat!!!) but requires baking of 3 hours, plus sitting for 20 minutes. Oh well, I just suggested to Justin that I change our plans and he was on board for it. My friend, Penny, who works for a shelter for abused women and their kids, is picking up my festive bird late this afternoon Yes, I know it would keep but I also like the idea of feeding these poor folks no longer in their homes for most unfortunate reasons.
So, pie is good and I will have some friends with me in the later afternoon—sweet! In more ways than one! Today I am taking myself to the groomer and then stopping at Publix to get their new sandwich recommended by Justin---turkey, bacon, and cranberry sauce! One for me and one for Sherri. Plus I need the scrubbing pads for the Swiffer and another can of Kaboom for Sherri as she is using hers rapidly! But I must not delay in coming back because Sherri will be waiting for me, probably as hungry as a bear! What I could do is go to the store first and then get groomed, coming straight back afterward. Hmmmm….
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Battling with my laptop
Monday, November 22, 2010
At the movies
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Enjoying some cookies…
…as I watch the Jaguar game. We had a bake sale at church today and it pays to shop at the end of the sale. Although most of the gooey stuff had already gone out the door, I came home with 18 cookies, divided between three plates, and man, are they delicious!!! It turned out my BFF, Judy C., made them, called Fingerprint Cookies or something like that, with strawberry jelly on top of them. LuAnn told me to take all three plates for a dollar, too good to pass up! She suggested I share with my neighbors and I am going to do that after the football game is over. Think I will walk over to see MamMa and take her some special treats. She does not have to know the cookies are only a nickel apiece!
We had a ‘meeting’ instead of Bible study today where we were to go over the two recent ‘experimental’ services conducted at GS. I had to take an aspirin about halfway in, let’s just leave it at that. The good news is that next week we get back to our study of Luther and the Confessions, perhaps even getting to The Smallcald Articles, which I believe we had studied about 5-6 years ago, when Mom used to winter with me. Now this is what I’m talkin’ about!!!
While everyone else was buying their bakery, I was in the church office stapling the Ladies’ Advent Service folders together. Today I encouraged more ladies to sign-up with several bringing desserts so now I am not even considering cancelling like I was as of Friday. Thus far we have enough names almost three tables so I need another person to host a table, or I will need to. Already I had planned to do the dessert table but might have to reconsider. Since I do all the readings and lead the music, I really will not have a place to call my own as far as sitting down goes. No room in the inn for me!
It seems this game is requiring my attention as the Jaguars are intent upon giving the ball to the other team. Again and again and again with the turnovers! Once, you can overlook, but my goodness, this is like the fourth time they took the ball away from us. The Jags will need an aspirin, too, like I did earlier today!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Do I have a story for you!
Friday was a busy busy day around here. The morning began with me getting up early to make things ready for our meeting, and to dust the table in the dining room where the ladies would sit to work on the report. We needed room to spread out our papers in front of us. I had a breakfast bread to serve, cranberry pecan loaf which was so good. It turned out, that was all we ate for the rest of the daylight hours. Should have ordered pizza but we had to keep going on the project. Anyway, for background music, the CD player played discs from the 2005 Worship Conference, a two-disc set. Part of it has sermons on it, so I will have to listen to it again more closely some time.
Since Mike was coming to paint, I had put the A/C on but closed the doors to the dining room so we could have privacy. Eventually we did get a bit chilly as the sun moved around from shining in the doors. Before this, though, I had gone to get something from the cabinet over the washer and discovered that there was wetness on the shelf, making brown rings under all the bottles sitting on it. Of course, it freaked me out at first, assuming the very worst, but none of the other areas were 'wet' so it must have been one of the bottles leaking. I spread a towel out on the washer and moved the bottles onto it, in hopes of figuring out the offending bottle. Tomorrow I will need to climb up on my step stool to wipe the shelf clean and put the stuff away, to leak another day!
The ladies arrived on time and we got right to work with three fourths of the table covered in papers. My laptop was standing by in case we were ready to type something up but we did not get that far. We had lots of ground to cover from two days of sessions at the SoWE with some adventures into digression. At a certain point, the plumber arrived who was to evaluate my water heater replacement, so I excused myself to talk with him. Mike was also on the job, painting in the hallway. When I went the hall to speak with the plumber, somehow I got paint on my pants and on my bosom, which means the hall is just too narrow. Mike had a hard time deciding which color to paint the door frame to the laundry room so ended up doing that one twice so it would match in better. It seems there was more than one color used, not surprisingly, over the years.
The plumber did little to comfort me, and, in fact, threw gasoline on me and lit a match, figuratively speaking. Mike could see he was upsetting me, so in Mike's words, he tried to turn my attention away from the failed attempts at humor from the plumber. When I called the plumber's office to find out if there was a price change at all, she told me he was the boss (WHAT???) because I was ready to ask for another guy instead. She said he was low-key and very quiet, which might be true over my screams of terror. Every time the plumber said something to me, I would look to Mike for interpretation, and I am not a stranger to plumbing and other home related things. This guy totally whacked me out with his less-than-calming flat statements regarding the replacement of this water heater. Glad that is over, with no incidents, and no increase in price. They should pay me for that guy making me so nervous. Water leaks are not funny, sir, not funny!
We wrapped up about 5:00 or just after and decided to go have some dinner. Judy suggested we got to La Nop and called Michael to join us. At 6:00 pm, the parking lot was just packed and with two cars to park, not good. After three times of snaking through badly parked cars, some pulled into spots not really spots and such, I drove out of the lot and into the parking lot of a restaurant next door, called "Waters". Judy followed me in and parked next to me, and we walked over to the other restaurant. Mike eventually found a place to park in the lot to the east of the place, where there used to be a dialysis center, known for having cars towed away.
There was a short wait inside for seating, and I saw many people I knew including my painting friend, Chris, and her family. Judy asked me if I ever go anywhere and not know someone and we had a good laugh over that. I told her that if I don't anyone going in, I will meet someone going out. Not always, but it seems that way to others. (An aside: When the group from church plus two of my family members took the Alaska cruise in 2007, sure enough, there was John and Linda, builders from OP, for whom my friends Jimmie and Brenda N. now work!!! No one could believe it that even in Alaska, I knew somebody!) Anyway, my strawberry margarita was just delicious and I ate my entire meal of a beef quesidilla, which means I must have been hungry. As we stood up to leave, the entire lobby waiting area was simply packed with people, being it was now more dinner time than when we arrived at 6:00. Judy said, "I wonder where THEY parked...." as she and I walked toward the place where we parked.
Oh, oh.....where are our cars????? Towed away!!!! Both of them removed by Water's Restaurant's request. We were just sick and incredulous that this actually happened to us. Only after the cars were towed did we notice the sign in the driveway indicating Tow Away Zone. Evidently we are not the only ones who have helped ourselves to their empty spaces and I am sure this restaurant is bitter that all the diners choose the Mexican place vs. theirs. Often, one of their wait staff is standing outside with a "Now Open" sign, trying to lure customers to their dining establishment. They have certainly not endeared themselves to Judy or me.
As we walked to our vehicles, I kept apologizing to Judy for leading her astray but she assured me that she did not notice the sign either. She gave me a big hug and we chuckled about it. Somehow I will have to make it up to her but she won't like that either. On the way home, I called Justin to let him know I got my car back, having spoken with him earlier about it. He told me he was watching TV with 'the family' at his friend, Ron's, house. Tomorrow he is laying ceramic tile in his 'new' place at Jesse's house, the beach cottage he will be renting. This has been a good experience for him, working for his father, because he has learned these skills, such as tile installation. We will see what he has to say about it after he is done!
From now on, Judy and I will have to have 'bail money' on hand when we go out to eat! That will be our standing joke from this point forward. I let my neighbors know, the ones with whom I dine on Fridays at La Nop and Tracy said via Facebook that she told Jeff that would happen if they tried parking up there at Water's. Now he is a believer! My other friend, Jen, from church, reported they got towed last CHRISTmas from the same restaurant. Believe me, I am telling as many people as I can about this happening at Water's Restaurant, and Jeff, Tracy's husband, says Water's will be out of business in six months!!! Not wishing evil on their business, but, they need to be towed!!