This is NOT so funny---my morning began with the sound of what may have been a wrecking ball on the sundeck. Bam! Bam! Bam! over and over again. Even though I was in my nightie, I opened the door to see what was gong on, but could not from my vantage point. After a certain point the sound turned to jack hammers which was somehow easier to take after the big bams from earlier. I guess the workman needed to break something up in order to get the tear-out underway. We were braced for it, but it sure was a startling beginning!
When I went down to get in my car for Bible study, I met some of my neighbors coming back from their walk. They are 2nd floor dwellers and would have this commotion right outside their door all day. I offered them some respite in my house if they wanted it. Perhaps some day they will accept my offer though, as the workers move from north to south, my place might be just as noisy.
This a.m. in Bible study, Michael began the study of Thessalonians with us. We were short a few people but still had a nice class. Ethel and her family are on their way to TX for her grandson's major swim meet, a college team. Go, Ryan! Betty has company from out of town so she was busy with that. Jackie was MIA yesterday already and am not sure what's up with that. Perhaps I will call to see if she is feeling okay.
This afternoon, I had a dental appointment. Yes, again! Last night I got a couple jabs from a tooth nowhere near the one needing the attention, not long after taking the last of my antibiotics for the other tooth. Should not have been an abscess problem, given the fact I was already taking the medication.
This could easily be my own x-ray with all my root canals!
Peggy looked at the x-rays and saw nothing, except for a teeny cavity between the teeth. I will have that fixed after the other tooth is taken care of. Other than that, she can find nothing amiss. After it gave me a couple jabs last night, I flossed and took some store-brand Aleve. Of course, I was so nervous and upset about the tooth that I had trouble going to sleep so am dog-tired now. I asked the Lord to help me and thus far, He has kept the tooth quiet, even after Peggy poked and knocked on it. I have a stand-by scrip of penicillin to take in case it does act up. Ugh---me and my teeth!!!
I was sitting here late afternoon and thinking about funny things my nieces and nephews have said over the years. These might be some of those "you had to be there"-type of things, but they still amuse me:
Dustin was with his dad in an antique store, when he was about 3 or 4. David showed him the 'old' record player, the 'old' washing machine, the 'old' anything. At one point the clerk acknowledged Dusty and asked him, "How old are you?" to which Dusty replied, "I'm not old, I'm new!"
Another time, Dusty, who loved trains like nobody's business, was helping his mama pick out a new winter coat. She would ask his opinion, just to keep him entertained. At one point she tried on a denim jacket and asked how he liked it. His face lit up and he announced, "You look like a hobo on a train!", which is a good thing to him. She did not take that jacket....
When my niece, Alayna, was in Sunday school at FG, her Auntie Lynn and Grandma K went to collect her from the classroom. They asked her what she learned that day, and Alayna announced, "Well, we don't have to worry about Moses anymore---he died...." Just like that. He died. We don't have to worry about him any more! What a hoot!
When Jamie was little, my former spouse and I would keep him at our house much of the time, since we worked from home. He loved buses (bupsh), and would watch from our living room window for the school bus and city bus to go by. He was always so good for us, never a problem until his mom would come for him. Then, he'd act up like mad! One day I set him up on the counter in the kitchen to look him in the face, very seriously. I said, "Jamie, your mama is the boss!" After a second, he looked at me and innocently asked, "City bupsh, or school bupsh?" Ha, still tears me up!!! He thought I called Jill a bus! How can you stay serious after that????