We have had remarkably cold weather here in N. FL this week, with some folks seeing tiny flakes in the air. The rain felt icy when it hit but I cannot confirm or deny it was flakes or even sleet. It didn't affect our driving at all.
Last night my sister, Lynn, called me to find out if everything was okay in our area, as the local news in WI showed we were having snow or icy conditions. All was well, and I thanked her for letting me know what was going on, because I had no idea about it. Justin keeps up with weather stuff because of having to work out in it and he saw nothing like what Lynn mentioned, though the local weather maps did show what she was talking about. Schools were closing the next day in advance of the icy travel, being extra cautious, I'm sure, after what happened in Atlanta.
This morning I checked the local radio station's website and it said all the bridges and roadways were free of ice, so Justin and I could safely make our way to Bible study. Pastor had lined up the chairs around the tables more tightly than we usually sit in order to not have to add more table space. He didn't want to have us sitting too far apart (adding another table) and not be able to communicate as well. I like that about him! We all had elbow room so it was no problem. It was again an excellent class.
The ladies invited us to join them for lunch but we declined, deciding to just head home since we were attending a funeral in the afternoon. My nice boy heated up a bowl of turkey soup for me (I'd made it on Monday from our ThanksLiving bird) and served me a summer sausage sandwich with it. Who's spoiled in this house???
Justin, Kathy, our neighbor, and I headed over to the Methodist church just a couple blocks away for Orien's funeral. We left with plenty of time so he could drop us off and then find a place to park. He managed nicely to find a close place. We had to stand in line to sign the guest book and then easily found a seat with some more from our building.
As we sat there, the church was filling up. It reminded me of Timmy's service with standing room only. Just before the service was to begin, a line of firemen came in in their dress blue uniforms and looked so good. It moved me to see them standing along the wall...this was a big deal for them to get all dressed out for Orien.
The service began with a hymn, where we stood to sing, one I am now familiar with since it's in our CW hymnal. Oh, I just remembered---"How Great Thou Art". Then the pastor read a couple of psalms after which he invited some family members to come forward to speak about their loved one. First was his daughter, who did a fabulous job without getting all broken up, followed by his granddaughter, who was Justin's classmate, also doing a fine job.
Then, an usher walked around with a microphone for people in attendence to share their Orien stories. I told Justin he didn't need to do that at my funeral service, save it for the party afterward. It wasn't too bad, and I don't want to say much more about it here, other than to report we sang "Amazing Grace", again standing to sing, at the close of the service.
From there we went home, and walked to The Club where the reception was held. It was an amazing spread of appetizers, some exactly the same as those served the night before for the Member's meeting. The place was absolutely packed! Justin asked me if it was appropriate to have an open bar for a funeral and I had to confess to not knowing the answer to that one, except that Orien would have had it no other way! We had the most amazingly delicious chicken salad which I enjoyed on bagel chips---oh my!
When we went home, I was so full that I couldn't believe Justin was getting busy with starting our dinner. I asked him to please plan on at least an hour before we ate because I was so full. He had shrimp cocktails there plus lobster bisque shooters, some other sort of seafood goodies, but he was ready to make our dinner. I was still about to bust from the chicken salad (no thank you to the seafood and fish stuff!). When we did eat, it was delicious, and I appreciate his patience with getting started.
Something funny happened, though---while he was prepping his ingredients, Judy C. called to see if we wanted to go to dinner. I couldn't believe my own words when I respectfully declined because I was so full from the reception and he was excited about his recipe. Rarely do I decline, and she was as surprised as I was! Our dinner was quite good, breaded thin chicken breasts and tortellini with vodka sauce. Again, I am so spoiled!