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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did you miss me? My Internet has returned!

Talk about old-fashioned! Now I am forced to write this as a Word document and will be doing the cut/paste thing in order to get it over to the blog site. I hope this Internet situation is resolved shortly or I’ll simply have a fit! You’ve not lived until witnessing a “Kim Fit”! When we accidently dripped on my downstairs neighbors last year during the remodel, I said something to Andy about being “upset”. He asked me, “You were upset? That’s it?? You need to talk to my wife!” Oops, looks I have to work on that upset thing….
While writing I am multi-tasking: listening to Sarah sing for me, printing newsletters for those without Internet (which would be ME today!), and writing for the blog. I catch all kinds of heck for not posting daily but truthfully was holding back to avoid appearing verbose. Apparently verbose must be acceptable and I’ll do my best to post more often.
Rick and I spent some time together last night over at The Club so he could stage some of the photos for his sister-in-law’s wedding taking place on Friday. I do hope it warms up for them, would hate to be sitting out there with temps in the 60’s, especially on the shady side of the building. It’s a rather small gathering and even though Bruce said I can sit with them, I won’t crash their party. Joanne, Justin and I are going to hear/see “Movin’ Up” instead, celebrating Jo’s birthday at the same time. Nice! Rick’s developed quite a niche for himself with wedding photography, sharing his hobby with a work partner, Niko. He knows all the ins and outs of his camera where I rely on my “aide” to help me with that—or go ask Julia for help!
Once we had the shots staged, Rick left to pick up Christopher. Since there was time, I met some lady friends at Aron’s Pizza, located where the Fish and Chips used to be on Hwy. 17. They’d finished already but were sitting around chatting so I had a soda with them before we all headed over to church for Bible study. Pete from the car wash was there with his family, and it was great to see them all again. We’d built a home for them many years ago, when our office was still in the Street of Dreams garage. 13 years already? Wow! I see Pete whenever I have my car cleaned but not the entire family--it was heartwarming. He always asks about Justin, which, too, is heartwarming. I didn’t tell him about the hearing problem, didn’t feel it was the time and place to go into all that.
When we got to church, the Art Fair was still going on in Precious Lambs and I got to see all my extended "Sarah" family. Even Baby Chloe was there. Paul had called me in the afternoon to report that Sarah is the official greeter at the preschool, calling “hello” to everyone who comes in, no matter who they are. Ms. Deb said Sarah gets that from Ms. Kim, and Paul said, “Well, you know she is Sarah’s godmother!” Funny, funny, funny! Sarah is flourishing in preschool, as one might expect.

Boots' new family: Emily, Sarah, and Paul

Our Bible Information Class was well-attended, even going longer than usual. Our discussion was on the humanity of Christ, paired with His Holiness. Couldn’t help but tear up when Pastor was describing the pain that Jesus bore on the cross for us. The lady across from me was wiping away tears, too, so I don’t feel badly. He painted such a stirring picture for us, and it wasn’t even a sermon. Reminds me of “The Passion of Christ” movie that Steve, our plumber, treated us to a few years back. Mom and Lynn were here for that. Betty and Robin C. were there, too, as Steve’s guests. Where was I going with this---oh, yes, the BIC last night was most excellent, and perfect topic for Lent.

Speaking of passion, the song I referenced in this month's newsletters' Editorial is playing right now, a duet with Sarah B. and Fernando Lima. It's called “Pasion”, and is just lovely.

In case you didn't notice, the previous posting ended rather abruptly, which was due to the Internet leaving me. Sorry about that, and hope this makes up for it. My tummy is grumbling which means time to grab a bite. I think I'll eat in today as I am printing these newsletters and such. One of the nicest things about this time of year is the reappearance of hot cross buns. Yummmmmy!
Lord's blessings on your worship tonight! I feel badly that some of my text disappeared in the original posting...probably some of my best, gone, just like that........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi it's me. I didn't even check the last couple of days to see if you blogged. I was not feeling thebest. Have a nasty bladder infection. Bryson is sick also with ear infections. He should be good by the weekend so Jamie says. Of course now Thursday night into Friday it is supposed to snow. 1-3 inches which isn't bad but I am so tired of it. dan took a digger last night on the ice. So when I got hime I sanded again. Now I have to get more sand if I can find some. Salt is a rare commodity around here too. I am at work so I must go. Talk with you soon.