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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We re-convene for our next event!

Saturday afternoon and evening of Linda J. Day were planned around cultural events. The First Coast Writer's group sponsored a speaker, Carol O'Dell, whom I've heard speak previously at writer's conferences. Her topic was about getting published and writing savvy---her own experience being the book she wrote: "Mothering Mother".
I'd asked Linda if she minded spending part of her visit listening to an author speak and she was cool with it. In fact, as we went around the room introducing ourselves, Linda said she wasn't a writer but was a "reader". Carol O'Dell said, "We LOVE our readers!" Linda J. was a hit! Linda's mom has a similar illness so it will be a much appreciated read for Linda and her sister. It was a great choice to hear this speaker!
Linda O. helped me to track down a friend hers, also named Carol, (I have Carols and Lindas coming out of my ears!!!), who I remembered was writing a book of similar subject matter. Carol W. told me afterward that prior to my contacting her, she'd put the manuscript away for awhile. Now she is renewed and has started working again, planning to use Spring Break for some serious writing time. It pays to track people down and stir them once in a while........I should take my own advice!
I must pause here to mention that it was Linda O., with whom Justin and I had dinner after church last week, who put Carol W. and me together last spring. Linda O. had a wonderful "Beach Bash", where she thanked all the ladies who'd supported her after the sudden death of her husband, Dale. We ladies from all walks of life, of Linda's walk in life, hit it off nicely. It was a sincere privilege and pleasure to be there for Linda, both when Dale died and at the Beach Bash!
Linda J. was thrilled with the afternoon's literary exposure, as she read excerpts from her newly autographed book. We had some marination time before the next event, so we turned on the TV, putting our feet up to take a cat nap. That didn't last, as we caught the end of "Blazing Saddles", and were laughing our fool heads off! Linda told me that Tommy and she had gone to see it at the theater and both fell asleep! What??? Now when watching it, she found the scenes most humorous and promised to rent it to watch again. I hope it's as funny for them as it was for the two of us! Somehow I doubt that!!!!

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