My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Back so soon?

I am dividing my day into segments today. I have so much on my mind, it's pouring over onto the desk, and I don't need one more thing on my desk!
I rejoiced waking up to JAG again. I believe the Law and Order marathon took its place for most of last week. It was good to see the lawyers back at work again, although I don't know how they can go against one another in the court room and then have dinner together afterward....
Justin and I had a conversation last night after he got home from some volleyball event at the Beaches. He said he was merely a spectator but made the acquaintance of some radio personalities in the course the day. I needed to speak to him about a function we're invited to at O. P. Country Club later this coming month and the RSVP has to be sent in. We are good to go, him more willing since it is "resort casual", rather than "black tie optional", like the previous one was.
One of my grade/high school classmates is coming to St. Augustine this coming long weekend and wants to get together at some point. I am sooooo excited about this. Her dad was my English teacher and much of what I do now I credit to him. We haven't finalized any plans but aside from the 4th being spoken for, I await her call!
Of course, being the beginning of the month, it's time for the Themed Dinner again! We are going from picnic theme to Christmas in July. I am going to cook the festive bird (I can hear Lynx meowing at me already!!!) and the others will bring their to-go-with items. Since its summer, there aren't as many meetings this first week like usual, and Ladies' Group won't meet until next Monday.
I am doing better drinking water in between my sodas, and as long as I have some lemon squeezed into it, down it goes. I am enjoying a refreshing drink of refrigerated tap water as I watch the dredger scoop yukky looking sediment from the bottom of the basin. The equipment was moved closer to our building this a.m. so I have a bird's eye view from here. Downstairs, I believe, I hear drilling or grinding going on, but really, it could be coming from the roof. Sounds are so deceptive around here, can't tell if it's in my own house or on the roof!
Jackie called this a.m. to ask if we can reschedule our memoir writing class for Thursday as Lisa has a schedule conflict. This is fine with me, except now I a hole in my schedule for tomorrow morning. My house will smell good when the ladies are here as my turkey will be cooking....oh wait....maybe not. That might be too early to be roasting a bird. Guess my house will just smell like cat box then!
Justin mentioned again over the weekend that he thinks I should start writing an advice column for the newspaper or somewhere. Last night he was going on and on about something and then blamed me! He asked, paraphrasing now: "Why did you make me this way? Why do I care so much about how my actions will affect other people?" I simply replied, "You're welcome." Of course, he was complaining in jest, but obviously he is having an internal conflict which he wanted to bounce off of me. And bounce it will!
I love it that he feels he can run these things past me, knowing I don't have much wiggle room when it comes to right vs. wrong, and he shouldn't either. However, I have years and experience in my arsenal. Just so no one gets concerned, these decisions are about his future plans, nothing criminal. I can't share it, but don't start looking for bail money, it is absolutely nothing like that at all.
The other day I asked Justin if he noticed the stacks of papers on the table have gotten lower and he said, "No." Hmmm, perhaps it's my imagination...what is in those stacks making them so high? Garbage? Things to be filed away? The majority is church stuff, some needing to be kept and some not so much. Since I just heard we're under a severe thunderstorm watch I guess I'll just keep busy in the house taking care of papers! "Rain, rain, go away...come again another day...little Kimmie wants to play!"
My friend, Judy R. is away on a vacation and I miss terribly hearing from her. I hope she is having a nice time cruising in Alaska and region. Is it warmer there than when we went last year in late August? This is rather early in the season so I'll bet it's cooler. When looking at Linda's scrapbook from their trip to Alaska, I noticed people in sleeveless tops. When I mentioned it, Linda replied, "Oh, yes, it was warm some days, in the 60's..." I totally lost it, she had to get me off the floor. At that moment I was snuggling with her room heater to keep warm in her work room and she declared 60's to be warm! We'll not forget that, will we, Linda?

This is the group photo taken on the Alaska cruise in 2007 with church family and real family! Back row is my sis, Lynn, Darwin, Ethel, sister-in-law Nancy, Sue Front row is Twila, Joanne, Me, Judy J., Judy C.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The last posting ended after worship.... I have to finish the day. Following worship was Fellowship Sunday where we gathered to have birthday cake for Iva. She's 90 something, according to Pastor, and the cake was huge! I got in there a bit later due to all the hugging and such so I thought I missed the singing. Working my way to Iva's table, I sang "Happy Birthday" to her all by myself and received a round of applause. When I remarked that I missed the singing, the folks said I was the only one who sang to her! Glad I did it, then, and so was the birthday girl.
I had to hustle folks back over to church to get the congregational meeting going, because I was wasting precious poolside time waiting....oh, that doesn't sound good, does it? Pastor also had a brief VBS meeting immediately after church so he had a busy, busy morning....and then the meeting on top of it. The meeting went well, not too much excitement, and we dismissed a little after one p.m. I drove like a mad woman to get home to the pool as my lady friends were going to be waiting for me, but I was the first one down there. I ordered my hot dog and sat down just in time for the thunder to start rolling. Rats!
One of Timmy's classmates was in the pool area with his grandma, one who went to dinner with me the other night and thanked me for sharing my joy. I gave him a nice hug and marveled at how much he's grown (which happens to Justin all the time too!). He is quite polite, a really nice young man. His grandma and he were in the pool when it was thundering and she asked to tell her if I saw lightning. It wasn't long until I did see some so they got out right away and started packing up. My lady friends didn't make it before the rain came down. Another missed opportunity, but I did get my hot dog!
Early this a.m. when getting ready for the day, I watched the very beginning of the movie "Wall Street", an oldie with Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, and Michael Douglas. I wish I better understood the whole trading process but guess I don't really need to, but that's what the movie is about. Making money, buying, selling, buying, selling, taking risks. One part early in the movie is the father/son team eating supper together at the dad's house, an airport worker, blue color Union guy played by the elder Sheen. He looks down on "Mr. Wall Street", who goes on and on about his fabulous career, living in Manhattan, car service, and, oh yeah, "Dad, can you spot me $300 for a week or so?" During this conversation and the loan which ensued, the dad asked the son to stay for dinner, reporting they were having spaghetti. "Dad, it's called 'pasta' now, no one calls it spaghetti anymore." Isn't that right on? Macaroni is no longer it's pasta!?!
My sisters, here's something that will tickle your funny bone---at the cong. meeting today the President reported a man from the Synod will come down here to discuss our starting an elementary school in the future, to help us lay the groundwork. His name? Greg Schmill!!! I raised my hand and announced that I knew him, and if my sister, Jill, had married him, she'd be........No, I didn't do that, but was tempted!!!! I did tell the lady sitting next to me, though, that we still call Jill "Schmill" once in awhile for old times' sake. I thought he worked at the high school, or does he wear two hats? You guys up there know better about this than I do, I guess.
Speaking of Jill--my friend, Jami, wants some ice cream shipped to her in TX...can you do that? Certainly she can find a Cold Stone Creamery in Amarillo! When I do go to a place like that, I order the Double Cream Vanilla with chocolate chips in it. For some reason, I like this flavor better than mint when it's fresh mixed. I have some ice cream in the freezer now for several weeks, I think I'll go have a dishful!

A view from my desk through the river room. The glass on the table is the gift from Dee, the painting on the wall is one I did.

Here's a shot looking northeast from the river room, showcasing my latterns and sun catchers.

This view is looking southeast from the river room, where you can see the dredging machinery, the palm trees, and more of the lanterns and sun catchers.

"The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away."

The printer is busily spitting out copies of The Palace Press, another deadline come and being met, I can't say "gone" just yet. Not until the printer has stopped and the letter delivered. That's another day.
On the way to church this a.m., I pulled into Sonic to get a drink for at church. On the window was a notice posted saying after July 1, Sonic would no longer be having the Morning Drink discount, only the Happy Hour between 2 and 4 p.m. Rats! I guess when I go in the afternoons I'll have to buy two in order to make up for the one missed in the morning! Half price is half price, what can you say?
As I headed on down Wells, I saw a couple cars coming to a dead stop in the middle of the road, and not at the light. The one is my lane moved along but I could see the driver and passenger of the pick-up getting out and looking around. Sure 'nuff, there was a tiny black kitten scooting around underneath the truck. It snuggled up to the back tire and when the driver mouthed to me, "Where is it?" as I carefully passed, I gestured toward the back tire. In my mirror I could see them on hands and knees, trying to grab the kitten. All that for a cat, and I can't give mine away!!! And a man at church today asked me if I wanted a couple cats.......
Speaking of cats-----Friday I got busy cleaning the cat box, and I mean cleaning it, with soap, water and paper towels. Tell me again why it was so important the kids have pets??????? All those promises, all those assurances that someone other than me would be taking care of them......the last thing I needed or wanted was something else requiring attention in my life. At least I'm down to only one cat now, with a once spotless cat box!
Back to church---I got there in time for the beginning of Bible study, as we continue our brief visits to a "Dark Days, Bright Son" series. The lesson this week was the prophet Nehemiah and his being led to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. One of the last verses we read regarded the dedication of the temple, and I loved it so much, I used it as the title of today's posting. We don't rejoice loud enough very often, do we?
We did sing rather nicely in worship today. It was Favorite Hymn Sunday and was especially wonderful because Robbie played the entire service on the organ! He could emphasize the final stanzas and all that "fun" stuff possible on the organ. I about hugged the stuffings out of him after church, but had to stand in line to do it! Many were praising his playing and he accepted with thanks, but then directed it back to the Lord. The only hymn I couldn't sing out on was "Now the Light Has Gone Away", which just blows me away for a couple reasons, not the least of which was it served as a night time prayer for the boys. Stanza 3 knocks it out of the ballpark: "Let my near and dear ones be always near and dear to thee; oh, bring me and all I love to thy happy home above."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jill is my Johnny-on-the-spot Commenter!

...and she gets the prize! Jill wins (drum roll please) ice cream of every flavor, up to her elbows! Thanks for being a faithful reader and commenter, Jill!
My Amarillo friend, Jami, is doing better following her surgeries, both abdominal and breast enlargement. She writes in her blog about doing the "old lady shuffle" since she can't quite stand up straight yet, but the doctor said it might be okay to try walking upright now, enough healing has taken place. Prayers are being answered for her recovery, good thing we didn't place a time limit on it for God! The same goes for Linda as she progresses with her therapy and rehab after knee replacement surgery. I hope I recognize her when I see her again......might not!
Justin is coming to my house, with Jesse dropping him off on his way to work. That will save some back tracking after the political event this a.m. We are going shopping and then to church at Victory, which begins at 5:00 pm. Lunch is served at the event so we will start off shopping with nourishment already in place. I have a circuit in mind of where to start the shopping, knowing we'll end at Town Center Mall since it's close to church. Wise planning for these things is necessary in order to conserve miles and gallons. I'm becoming a car hugger!
More paper has been introduced to my desk in recent days, as Wednesday during our scrapping/painting time, I pulled out a file drawer of photos and memorabalia from our first big cruise in 2000. In reading through the newspapers that arrived at the cabin door each morning, the headlines were about the election and recounts and all the drama that unfolded for weeks afterward. It reminded me of Rosalie and how she popped in at our house while we were gone and helped take care of the boys, giving the other sitter a break. She sat up the entire night watching FOX, waiting for the outcome. Justin said she was on the phone, calling folks back in Houston to discuss the race, as she was active in the Party there and W is from TX. People in the Mediterranean region were up on the news and would ask, "Did you vote? Did you vote right?" Sure did, absentee, filled out with pencil so nothing left dangling.
Back home again now after a whole day out and about with Justin. Once he arrived, I asked him to change the light bulb in my hallway fixture. Those bulbs blow with such fanfare, a huge flash of light and then nothing! He didn't need the ladder at all, could simply reach up to do it. My hallway ceilings are quite a lot lower than the rooms because the HVAC ductwork runs through them.
First, we attended the candidates event out in Middleburg, meeting and greeting. This also gave Justin and me a chance to just sit and chat by ourselves before the stump speeches began. Boy, it was hot out, we were glad to be under the tent cover. Our meal was delicious, bbq with the works, and then right after Travis spoke, off we went. The program had run long since it didn't start right on time so we needed to take off before listening to all the speakers. My financial advisor lady friend is also in the running for a seat on the Board, and we wished her well also. She complimented Justin by saying he has his mama's smile! (Told you so!!!)
I didn't feel like using the portables for the bathroom so stopped at McDonalds on the way back to go potty and get a drink (really?). The drinks at the event were two kinds of iced tea, so I had nothing to drink once my Sonic was gone.
Our first store was Catherine's where I got a couple tops but no blue slacks. Rather than going to the O. P. Mall, we decided to head over to the Town Center for our next stop. Parking was difficult to come by but eventually someone was going home, so we took their spot, right in front of Dillards. What "down economy"???
I got a top at Coldwater Creek, no blue slacks, and ordered a lightweight jacket through their Internet connection. Delivered right to my house, no shipping fees---cool! The nice lady said my size always goes the quickest, which would seem to me more in my size be ordered in the first place. But, anyway....we did find a pair of blue dress slacks at Dillards, where I also met up with a lady I worked with at Sprint!!! She's lost a ton of weight so I nearly didn't recognize her. Of course, she was amazed at how big Justin's gotten. It occurred to me while we were catching up, the last time I ran into her was also right here in Dillards!!!!! Either Lynn or Mom was with me, perhaps both, and I think that is absolutely amazing to have happen!
Justin wanted to stop at Best Buy to look for a video game so we did, since we had time before church. I'd mentioned feeling badly about wearing such casual attire to church but he thought I looked fine. He hadn't shaved so we would be quite the pair! He got his game and we headed over to Victory. It was about 30 minutes before service time so we waited in the car, as he filled me in on his new game, first person this or that, live action.....I just smile and nod. It makes no sense to me, but I love to hear him talk. It was getting later and later with no one coming to church. I saw a blue piece of paper on the doors so he went up to read it, and came back to report there is no worship tonight as there'd been a wedding today. Oh man!
We headed back to his place then just as it was beginning to storm, so I invited myself in to use the bathroom (excuse me----about 5 hours had gone by between potty stops!) and wait out the storm. He was hesitant to let me in, saying he was concerned that I would "judge" him but I promised not to say a word. In truth, it was very nice in there, in spite of only young men living in the home. The Weather Channel told us a severe weather system was passing through and would lighten in about an hour so we watched an episode of "Seinfeld".
Justin wrapped a towel around me to warm me up because we were both soaked to the skin coming into the house from the car. It felt so snuggly and warm. When it settled down outside, I decided to take off because Justin was sleepy and wanted to nap before going with Jesse to the Beach this evening. Jesse's 'sister' works for a local radio station and was hosting some event at Sneakers Sports Grille. No problem coming home but had to use the wipers all the way.
The evening now is mine and I'm going to use it wisely. Have a good day tomorrow everyone and Lord's blessings to all!

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's a dog's life.......and I'd like it to be mine!

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When a loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
Take naps. Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. (This isn't always good advice....)
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


The above came from my lemon tree doctor and I found it perfect to start my day---after I stretched getting up from my "big nap"!

A bit more about the eye-rolling and such with the I get ready for bed, more pill popping takes place. Besides my scrips for Adult On-set Old Age (ahem, ahem) I also take a baby aspirin to prevent heart attacks plus a fish oil pill to reduce cholesterol. I first learned about the fish oil pills from Jean N.'s brother who went on the cruise with us in 2005. My family doctor takes them also, and I really like him, so followed his advice. They are harmless, don't taste like fish, and I really, really hate the idea of taking the scrips for lowering cholesterol!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It feels like the middle of the night already

Perhaps this is one of those "it's five o'clock somewhere" moments, when it is the middle of the night somewhere, but not here. I only feel that way, which is because I accidentally purchased the drowsy flavor of allergy medicine instead of the opposite kind. As my father-in-law would say: "Too late schmart". I had already taken the tablet, fortunately I only take one at a time, before I noticed that the package did not say "non-drowsy formula". Rats! This is what I get for shopping at Winn-Dixie instead of Publix!
I was in Middleburg today having lunch with Christine at Aeriel's, in the W-D Plaza. The Special of the Day was country fried steak and "real" mashed potatoes. The waitress recommended it highly so that is what I ordered. She was correct, it was the best! Christine showed me the photos taken at Shannon's, can't believe how grown up and lovely she's become. I didn't mention it, should have I guess, that Shannon and Christine look very much alike, except that Christine is lighter complected. The graduate has a job at the mall in a shop selling young lady's attire. Justin thinks we'll just have to stop by and see her some day---cool!
Here's a picture of Christine, taken at my lake house. Greg and she are watching the races in my bedroom, on Justin's birthday...can't miss the races! Greg is a former racer, he's entitled to watch!
Following my lunch and store run, I went to call on the shut-in member at Fireside. We had a nice visit but shorter this time, as her hubby had to leave for a doctor appointment and I was parked behind know, the car shuffle and all that. As long as I was going out anyway, I said my good-byes and came home. Nearly stopped in at Great Hang Ups but had to get back home to check the e-mail for news from one of my new friends about movie watching on Friday. This I had to know before getting back in touch with Martie who wants to go to the Stamp Camp that same night. If the movie is a no-go, then Martie and I will go to Camp! She has a free one coming because she placed an order at the BIG showcase we attended last month. I can always use paper so with my purchase, the camp will be free. When is a camp free but not free? When you have to buy some thing!
My new friend, Sharon, did call me and agreed that perhaps we could reschedule our movie viewing for a night when the others can come, too. I got back to Martie with the go-ahead for the Stamp Camp. However, in the meantime, Sharon sent an e-mail indicating she'd still be available to watch on Friday, saying that just because the other ladies have a life, doesn't mean that she has to stay home, now I feel badly for filling in my dance card so quickly. I did ask her to come along to Camp, for what it's worth.
Justin called late afternoon and asked if I wanted to meet Pam and sons for dinner at Mellow Mushroom. Ah, let me think......of course!!!! He came by after work to take a shower and change clothes. We watched the end of a "What Not to Wear" episode and then headed off to meet our friends. Pam had a recent client with her, who moved here from Chicago. Very nice lady, earthy, and she got quite upset with me when I made a joke about myself. Okay, mental note----don't make fun of myself around Wendy----
While Justin and I watched the end of "WNTW", my phone went off again, this time an invite to have dinner with the Hilchey's. Again, rats!!! Not that I'd have blown off Justin for them, but what a dilemna to have, two different groups calling for dinner in one night! After spending time with Christine today and now Justin-----but, instead, I'm going to try for next week to have dinner with Hilchey's, probably just me and not Justin, as he has school two night a week, and Tuesday is Bible study for me. Thursday is our Monthly Dinner and then the, the week is already gone!
So anyway, for tonight---even though I preferred to sit outside, the majority opted for inside dining so Justin went to get my sweater from the car for me. So glad that he did, too, because it was not long before even he had goose flesh on his arms from the cold temps inside. I hate to say 'I told you so', but.......
He worked quite hard today hauling furniture down the stairs after it had already been placed upstairs, plus moved some house furniture in one of the models. Hey, maybe someday he can go to work for my Turkish friend, the one who gave me the flag!!! His moving company moved the office from point A to point B recently and Justin said he asked about me. I haven't heard from Saban since he brought me my flag a couple months ago and I appreciated the fact he asked Justin about me on moving day.
The young men had planned on going out on the jet skis tonight after dinner but it got quite dark in the west and became really windy outside, so they decided the weather was too threatening to attempt. Jesse had a couple beers at dinner, so I am glad they didn't venture onto the water after that. I envy them having access to jet skis, I really do miss mine. I sold them after buying the condo since I had no place to keep them here. A young lady from our church, married to a serviceman and living in Japan at the time, bought the pair of skis. Jeremy said it was a dream of his to own jet skis and I told him that nothing made me happier than making a man's dreams come true----ha, ha, ha! He was so thankful, and it pleased me greatly to keep them sort of in the family. Orders were soon coming for them to move back to the USA which is why they went ahead and bought mine. Her dad kept them in his garage, but he never took them out. A former Navy SAR and he never even got them wet!
Tomorrow must be dedicated to finishing the newsletter for The Palace. Travis,upstairs, is getting Justin a T-shirt to wear to the political event on Saturday but I told him I'd forego the opportunity to wear a T-shirt....not the best idea for me to wear such a thing. BUT, I did tell him I'd dress my car in his campaign attire so he's getting some magnets for me to put on my doors. That I can do! I've offered to make phone calls and lick stamps, too, perhaps even sitting in the booth at the Independence Day celebration if he needs me. Some of the other ladies from here are doing that, too, so it could be a hoot! Might even see somebody I know over there at the Jamboree!!
That night, the 4th, is a party up in the penthouse at Nancy's place, overlooking the barge from which the fireworks are launched. The perfect vantage point. Nancy is calling it the "Povery Party", serving 'only' hot dogs, beer and sodas instead of her usual fare, because we are all so poor from paying the assessments this year! Like I told my friend Brenda and the other ladies by the pool last week, I am rich beyond measure with my friends!!! One lady piped up that she wished her friends could pay the bills for her.........oh, well, I tried!
It now actually IS the middle of the night, so sweet dreams all!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Making hay while the sun shines

It's a blessed day! In turning on my computer this a.m., the Internet opened immediately and up popped my e-mails, as though nothing had happened. Overnight I'd unplugged the modem and perhaps that's what stimulated the connection when plugging it in. Yippee!!! Life's simple pleasures again!
I've had a couple things to mention but keep forgetting: let's see if recall them..............
Years ago when still married, my former spouse and I would sort of roll our eyes about our house guests and their stash of "supplements" taken to improve or achieve health. The little Tupperware container packed with every sort of tablet or pill, Shaklee or Amway or Nutrilife, depending upon the house guest. Now, in the mornings, I remember this eye rolling and do it to myself as I medicate with various life-extending products such as iron pills, multivitamin, Calcium with D, and an anti-histamine for an unknown allergy after vowing to never have an allergy. (Justin, too, made the same vow totally separate from me!!!). Cheers, everybody! And please accept my apology....
The good news is that I am finally out of the pre-natal vitamins I was taking because they absolutely tasted horrible and I'd taste them all day unless I ate some food with it. Yech! These vitamins have super powers to help pregnant ladies nurture themselves and the baby, and don't hurt to continue taking them long after to keep levels up. Now I can take a regular Centrum instead which doesn't have quite the aftertaste of the other.
When I occasionally step into the kitchen and prepare some food, Lynx stands in the doorway and just meows her head off at me. When both cats lived here, they'd harmonize at me, as though cautioning me against using the stove or something. This a.m. I browned hamburger and added Barilla sauce to it, all the while being scolded by Lynx. If I head to the kitchen to just, say, grab a soda or such, she stands under the dining room table and meows at me as though to say, "Do what you're going to do and move along"....scaredy cat!
Every morning there is an ad on TV about Direct Buy, where folks redecorate or furnish their homes through this organization and save thousands of dollars. This reminds me of my newlywed days when we bought into a program called "Consumers Guild of America" and actually drove from Milwaukee to Chicago in my sister-in-law's Marlin to visit the Merchandise Mart with our 'representative' from CGOA. I can't say that we were ripped off or taken advantage of or anything, but we did get some really nice pieces for a couple just starting out. We bought a sofa and rocker chair, a complete bedroom set with head board, night stand, mirrored hutch dresser and chest of drawers. How much? I don't remember. My younger sister-in-law used the sofa and chair in her apartment and then think it was donated to our high school's thrift shop. I kept the bedroom set, but "lost" the headboard in the first hurricane of 2004 due to rising water in the garage. When moving in here, I found that storage room was spare and instead of crowding these large pieces into the guest room, I decided, painfully, to sell the two dressers to a used furniture store. Justin tried to get me to change my mind but the frustration level was quite high and I had to just let it go. Not easy for me, and he knew that. I do still have the nightstand, my last piece of history, and it serves me well in the guest room. CGOA....are they still in existence or do they live again as Direct Buy?
Time to go for my therapeutic massage with Carol. After that the ladies are coming over to paint and/or scrapbook. My hair appointment is at 4:00 p.m. which might be timed perfectly for some fried dill pickles on the deck at Whitey's! We shall see......

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Let's type this with all thumbs!

My desk top computer is simply giving me a fit which means I may have to call the computer guy to come take a look at it. Ugh! If it isn't one thing, it's another. So, my IT guy, Justin, came by today and showed me how to get connected to the Internet using the laptop. See, here's the thing---I am lousy at using the touch pad to navigate the page and my nails are a bit long for the keys on this machine. It will take some adjusting, so patience, please!
That night when I first got the warning notice must have been for real because even though I have the Norton in place now, which claims to find no spyware or bugs, the downloads have gotten more slow and now, non-existent. I just hate to think about what nastiness invade my machinery, and someone, somewhere, is laughing at me for falling into the trap. Help! Help! The paranoids are after me!
The good news is that I can sit on my crumb-filled bed and use the computer; the bad news is my leg falls asleep from sitting in this awkward position. If it sleeps in the daytime, it will be up all night!!!
Justin and I had dinner together at Longhorn near church and spotted the waitress who used to take care of the gang after Monday morning class when we came in for lunch. She had to be off Mondays to take her hubby to chemo sessions so we missed seeing her. It was great to hug on her and she showed us photos of Frank, how he's putting on some weight now and all that. Patti asked me to tell the others she said "hello" and she misses us! Will do!
It was great spending the time with Justin, since he now barely has time for me. As he told our friend, Cindy, at the grocery store, he has a busy social life! Well, what do you know about that? Justin needed a few items from the store so after dinner we went to Publix and got what he was looking for, plus some extras, of course. That stinker also talked me into buying this V8 product with fruit in it, which he likes to drink, so I can get my daily dose of vegies and fruit. I asked Justin if it was like MonaVie but he didn't think so. I'll certainly give it a try, and if I don't like it, he'll take it off my hands. I'll have a glass in the morning when it's had a chance to get nice and cold.
The other Bible study ladies went to dinner without me since I wanted Justin to myself, They had some comfort food at Cracker Barrel. Judy J. joins us for the dinner portion of the evening but not the class. Maybe some day she will come, too---it's so very interesting a class.
Our discussion tonight was on worship and its value to ourselves and to others, but most especially to our God. If we don't get anything out of worship, it's probably because we aren't putting anything IN to it. My opinion, not necessarily scriptural. Great class!
Well, my leg is snoring up a storm here so I'd better put this computer and my leg to bed for the night. Perhaps by morning my desktop will have finally made a connection with the server or whatever its problem is and I'll be in a full and upright position again. In the meantime, my neck and shoulder massage tomorrow will be most beneficial. Plus the ladies are coming over to paint and scrapbook and then I got to get my haircut.....
Pleasant dreams, all!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Yes, it's a good thing I've got "Seinfeld"....

...or I wouldn't be able to ask the question: What's up with those little seed things on the outside of English muffins? They really irritate me, especially when they get on my clean sheets! Worse than sand in the bed!
It started as a clear blue sky but, as morning progressed, the clouds rolled in. My plans were to go do a little shopping but am not too crazy about driving out to the Town Center Mall in the rain...let me think about that. I'd have to go there because that's where Coldwater Creek store is located. They nicely sent me a discount card to use for my purchases and I need some new drawers and maybe a pair of blue dress pants.
That silly silly cat, Lynx! She acts like she's never seen her tail before or something. No matter how fast she turns or high she jumps, the tail eludes her! I am always concerned when making those hustling sounds that Lynx is going to bring me something captured, which will turn my stomach. Even if it's the end of her tail!!!
Well, I decided to hold off on my shopping until another day as I got busy with some work on the computer and such. Oh, it got frustrating as my Internet was fluctuating all stinking day long! Just when I needed to look up something or whatever, bam!, it was gone. I know, I know, I haven't made the phone call yet to set up the new service. Apparently I am not frustrated enough.............
This early evening I went across the street to the Pompeii Restaurant my neighbors were talking about, to have a little bite to eat. Only a few people were inside and no one outside, but I took care of that. The waitress washed the table and got me situated with a Diet Pepsi. Since I had a narrow window in which to eat, I ordered the caprese salad for my meal. After a few minutes the proprietress of the restaurant came out and sat down at my table to visit with me. Isn't that sweet? She asked if I was from New York (had I been rude???) and we talked about traveling overseas, packaged deal vs. planning your own trips, etc. I just thought it was wonderful to have her come out and feel so comfortable talking with me as a long lost friend.
Before doing anything else this a.m. I put together my top 35 favorite hymn list for Favorite Hymn Sunday and e-mailed it to church. On the bottom I wrote that I had to quit adding hymns because as I read through the stanzas of these "favorites", their message caused tears to roll down my cheeks, which accounts for their being included on my list. And not one of them were even "End Times" hymns--I'm saving those for our next 5 Sunday month! I usually wait to the very end before submitting to give others a chance to put their two cents worth in. Don't want to tip the scales, as it were, with my suggestions.
Jami and I had a little give 'n take today about the so-called "reality TV programs" flooding the air waves these days. Justin thinks the reason there are so many right now is because of the writer's strike, holding up production on the not-so-real programs. I don't know, but my rose-colored glasses are off when it comes to presenting these TV shows as being the real deal---starting years ago with the wrestling shows and ending with people vying for a prize by frosting a cake. Indeed! Next it will be the wrestlers frosting cakes for prize money......
There was even a series of programs propagating witchcraft and the like with The Battle of the Psychics on USA. As St. Paul told the sorcerer: "You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? Now the hand of the Lord is against you." Whew, where did all that come from???? Besides Acts, that is.......
Tomorrow bring my memoir writers to work on their projects, as we move through "When I Was Young on a Mountain". Hopefully we'll be done by July so I can begin the Reading Club with those interested parties. Justin called to invite me to have dinner together tomorrow night before my Bible study class and we are going somewhere near church to keep me close to my destination. He can just hop onto the freeway to get home, as he is bowling tomorrow night as well. Oh, to be young and keep hours like he does!
Dolly told me about her daughter, home from college for the summer, working upwards of 70 hours a week between two different jobs. Wow! In the daytime she is a greens keeper on a golf course and then goes home to shower and change, then to work in a grocery store. I give that child a lot of credit for putting her nose to the wheel! Again, I say "wow"!!!
Sunday after church I ran out to Publix on the Island for a few things and ran into the owner of my favorite new restaurant, Blu Grotto. I told his wife and he how much I enjoy coming out there and that I tell my friends about it, and drag them out there, too! I explained that usually I'm on the patio and he said to tell my server the next time I'm there and he'll come out to say "hi" to me. I never wanted to bother him or his folks when there at lunch. Justin and I love the mom and dad, they are also so tickled to see us, and fuss over how grown up Justin has gotten. Tonight, the lady from The Pompeii said something that reminded me of Rosaria---I think it was the way she said the city name "Napoli".
So, after my quick dinner, I drove over to the Orange Park Town Hall as a supporter of my upstairs neighbor, Travis. He was in a debate of all the Board of County Commissioners running for office this year. Travis held his own, without any name calling or finger pointing. His opponent is also quite qualified, and as I told Justin earlier, I could support her if Travis wasn't running. The next event is Saturday afternoon and I am really looking forward to that one---a free bbq! Bet there will be a lot of "pork" conversation that day!
Thanks to all who have left Comments on my blog! I just love hearing from folks who visit my site!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back to the subject of joy...........

I just watched an episode of Frasier celebrating the end of his first year back in Seattle. The entire episode takes place at Cafe Nervosa where Frasier simply cannot get the perfect cup of coffee. While waiting, Niles asks his brother the deeply reflective question, as they discuss his first anniversary of Seattle living, "Are you happy?" Well, many many things occurred preventing him from answering his brother's query, people coming and going, rain pours on them at the outdoor table, the waitress put cinnamon in his coffee......such drama!
That reminded me of a posting my new friend, Jami, did a while back where she put up a list of the things which brought her happiness. Top on her list was Family, an excellent choice. She also included having a clean house, her pets, and having a pain-free day! Only a week or so ago Jami had surgery to alleviate some of that pain, so a list revision will be in order!
At one point in my TV viewing, I had to go out to the kitchen, which makes for the first item on MY list of joy-making things:
1. Being able to put the foot rest on my recliner down in one try! (More often than not I have to pump it a couple times to get the proper momentum going----short legs, you know
2. Having my downstairs neighbor home from college and playing her grand piano for my listening and dancing pleasure. Sometimes she even plays "Finlandia", the tune used in "Be Still, My Soul".
3. Hanging out at the pool with my neighbors and meeting new people. One of Pat's friends owns a skin care shop on Kingsley and wants me to come have a facial one day. Not that I need one, the ladies say I'll be hooked on having facials after that!!! Oh, good, another thing to be hooked on!
4. Being invited to play Rumikube with my new friends---poolside!
5. Meeting the wife of my downstairs neighbor for the first time---at least formally. She is so thin, I could read a newspaper through her!
6. Getting special treats from the young man in the cabana at the end of the weekend---ever hear of white watermelon? Me neither!
7. Sleeping in my bed with clean sheets---but NOT the toe stubbing which takes place when I go side to side to pull my sheets up!
8. Hearing Robbie play the piano and/or Suzanne playing the viola on Sundays
9. Getting/giving hugs at church with my church family
10. Knowing that Justin made it back from his weekend away, safe and sound!
And, having my sisters call me to find out what the poor people are doing, when they are sitting around the river in Oshkosh, enjoying brunch while I suffer sitting poolside with my friends! I think I had nearly 20 degrees on them, though, but they have me beat with those two adorable little boys!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The sea was angry, my friends......

.....but do the boats leave the river? No! Open boats pushing their way back to the dock in the middle of a! I'd be scared out of my wits bouncing on the wild water with lightning all around me. Yes, thanks for the boat ride, dude!
Prior to the storm rolling in, some poolside sitting was enjoyed. My neighbor, Ellen, decided to come down for a bit, with another neighbor, Pat, coming out later with her granddaughter. Brenda N. was going to look at some bougainvilleas she saw advertised on Milwaukee Street and then popped in to join us poolside. Jeff, from downstairs, came over to try one of those much-heralded Angus burgers and was quite delighted with the flavor. A real nice group fellowshipping around the pool!
I saw the guy who runs the cabana shop heading out with a roll of CAUTION tape, crime scene tape, toward the teen's pool. Actually it's for kids up to age 18, so not only teens use it. A lady came walking through with two little kids, heading toward the pool, and saw him taping it off all the way around. I told her perhaps someone had an accident in the pool so she went to check it out. Sure 'nuff, someone must have gone stinkies in the pool and now it had to be closed for 24 hours. That's the first time I'd seen that happen here, but it happened often at Eagle Harbor.
I related the story about when Timmy was taking swim lessons at the E. H. pool and as we waited for the rest of the kids to show up, I suggested he go potty before class began. Being a very obediant child, I looked up to see him with his pool pants down, peeing in the bushes right behind my chair! Oh brother! Guess I wasn't specific enough about the when and where.....that's how the shrub became varigated! All laughed about it, picturing the scene.....
After the pool was all taped off like a crime scene (I never did spot the offending child!), a guy came walking down from The Club, carrying something in his hand. He looked like a chef or something, the type of shirt he was wearing, and got busy sprinkling chemicals into the pool all the way around the perimeter. I am so glad I didn't see the chef fishing anything out of the pool and then go back to prepare a feast!
The dryer has stopped which means my sheets are done. Tonight I'll sleep in a fresh bed, will have to make sure my feet are clean! I heard from Justin that he's doing fine and is in the central time zone....Oh, this weather is making me sleepy, must be the drop in barometric pressure or waking up too early...Kerry and Lori called this a.m. to report that Mom is feeling good enough to go out for coffee so a mess of my sisters and nieces are going to enjoy bakery and coffee with Grandma K! Thank you, Lord, for helping Mom feel better!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

A fun day in the sun!

Martie and the boys have left for the day, since Little Mark's daddy is picking up the boys when he gets done working. Bubba came upstairs to look at my house while ManMan searched room by room for Lynx. He was quite disappointed to hear that Boots has moved. Mark wanted to know if those people were my friends, as though he wanted to go visit Boots or was concerned for his well-being. I didn't tell him the whole story of the cats using the beds as litter need to dredge THAT whole mess up again!
The pizza lady found us just fine pool side but had to run back to her car to get the sodas. She could have skipped the pizza but please don't forget the sodas! Not to worry, she came up with them. We had the Cheeselover's thick crust,nice and filling for the boys who are eating Martie out of house and home, but they seemed more interested in swimming than eating. It was hot enough outside to keep the pizza hot, not a problem if they wished to wait. We ladies had a great chat, poolside is perfect for chit chat, even with the occasional call for "MeeMaw" from the pool.
While enjoying our time, Jen called to ask if I had plans for dinner tonight because she was soooo hungry for O'Charley's yeast rolls. Oh, yes, indeed, I am free and looking forward to having dinner with them. She was going to see if Rick's folks were available, too, since Grandma was feeling poorly on Father's Day, vetoing our plans for lunch. I hope I get to see them, at least Grandma. She is a cool old lady. Tomorrow is a special event at the MOSH Museum and Friendship Park, complete with visits from the Marvel comics characters. Ironman is one name I recognized. Jen was going to call for the tickets and I hope she got them, I'll find out tonight.
My plans to spend Saturday with Justin got blown out of the water though and I am not only a little disturbed about it. He's been carpooling to work and also been out on jobsites this past week so we had no lunches together at all. If he was available, I was not or vice versa. So, we'd planned on a day together for tomorrow complete with movie, dinner, church....until he got a text message from his roommate saying "they" decided to go to Tallahassee after all. Which means absolutely nothing, since this was totally all news to me. He asked me for "permission" to go, and being the mother supreme that I am, said, in my best Jewish-guilt-inspired voice, "Go, have fun with your friends. Leave me here all alone....." Thanks, Mom!!! You're the best!!! On the bright side, he didn't ask me for any money!!!
Jesse, Ron, and Justin are heading across the state to visit Jesse and Ron's friend, Daryl, and go diving. Justin said he won't dive but will find something else to do while they are out, since they can only dive once each day anyhow. Of course, I asked him who was driving, is he a safe driver, wear your seatbelt....He assured me that he always wears the belt, feels secure with the seatbelt on, and reminded me that he's "a very safe kid", adding, "You know why". Yes, I do, but he's not alone on this adventure so additional precautions must be taken. He said he's going to stay in touch via telephone which helps to ease my troubled heart.
Well, Jen called to say they are ready to go so here I dash off again. I haven't talked to Mom yet today but might call her on the way to the restaurant to see how she did. Hopefully she felt good enough to attend the funeral service at church. Lynn said Mom was at 7 3/4 on the 1 to 10 scale so certainly today, with her new antibiotics, she'll be good as new. Mom found out she has some rare UTI infection only now showing up in the "elderly". Ouch! No one wants to hear that! It's called "aerococcis urinale" or close to that, so has to take amoxicillin to knock it down. Lynn's going to ask the doctor about the patches for motion sickness to see if she likes those better than Dramamine. Lynn is truly "The Good Daughter"--TGD, and I thank God for her!

I'm just sitting here waiting for my sugar to show.....

That is the first line of a Joni Mitchell song called "Car on a Hill", where she is waiting not-so-patiently for her beau to arrive. In the song she laments that "he makes friends easy, he's not like me, I watch for judgment constantly". Don't we all know people such as this? Because the song was dancing in my brain, I had to turn off the radio and put on music. I think Lori's favorite album is the one I'm listening to, Court and Spark. If I called her now and just said the words, "he makes friends easy", she'd reply "he's not like me"...simple amusements we enjoy!
But, I truly am waiting for my sugars to show, as Martie and her two grands are coming over to share pizza and go swimming. Her older grandson, affectionately known as "Bubba" begs to live with her always, and she'd love to accommodate him, but he would be separated from his twin sister and the rest of his family. Poor Martie! Decisions, decisions to make in your "developed years". (You will get tired of that expression long before I will!!!) I introduced you to Little Mark last week when we had lunch at Cracker Barrel. His older cousin is a handsome young man as well, I just have known ManMan since he was a toddler. He owns my heart, what can I say?
I put on my "pool pants" as Justin used to call them, first thing this a.m. so I am ready to go! Martie had to stop to get a pair of trunks for Bubba on the way over, since he didn't pack any for his visit. Tonight he is going home with Little Mark, to Bryceville, where they have a pool and hot tub to enjoy, so needs the trunks anyway.
A few boats have made their way up or down the river already, and a helicopter or two have passed by. It's pretty quiet yet for this time of day. Twila's sister from Kansas is coming into town today and they are heading down to the beach house in Daytona for a week's stay. Usually Elaine is here in the winter so this is great for her to enjoy the very beginnings of our summer weather. She can stick her toe into the ocean and then retreat to the pool for the balance of the visit. We hope to get together before her entourage has to go back home, but it may not happen. We'd often discussed having a scrapbooking weekend at Twila's beach house, and I'd still like to do that. Fortunately she gets it rented out fairly often which is terrific for generating revenue for her. It's hard to know what to wish for sometimes!
Martie just called to report that Little Mark fell asleep on the bed instead of getting his trunks on, so she's having troubles getting him to wake up. Guess he had a late night and it caught up to him. Good thing I held off ordering our lunch! I'm going to go down ahead of time to get started on the fun, because, you know what? You just never know what fun there is right around the corner!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Further thoughts, not farther

Years ago before moving to Florida, we had a friend who was quite wealthy and was just short of being arrogant. I used to defend him by saying, "He's an acquired taste" but he did come off a bit, shall we say, 'confident'? After we built our home in Indian Bluff, his neighborhood, we gave him the 50 cent tour.
On the half wall next to the potty in our bathroom was a book nestled between the spindles. He declared that to be 'tacky', to have a book next to the potty. Yeah, right, just because I can read!!! Anyway, I went and picked it up as we were talking and he looked at the title and scoffed, "Who reads an encyclopedia???" Obviously he didn't, or was he just being cruel? The book was an encyclopedia of little known facts, perfect for the bathroom library. I just thought of this story as I put down a book I've been reading called "Words You Thought You Knew", about usage and such. It covers proper usage of words such as "further" and "farther", that sort of thing. Who reads an encyclopedia?
The video story I watched last night about Andy stayed with me and when I woke this a.m., it invaded my thoughts again. What must that be like, to birth a normal, healthy little boy and have him suffer brain damage by what started as a common infection?
I was forty years old when I had Timmy, and prior to his birth the medical people were concerned about birth defects and other complications due to my being "developed in years" that expression! Tests were run, and caution aired about possible results. We couldn't help but feel the primary purpose of the tests so early on was to determine if the baby "needed" to be terminated. The only thing we'd acknowledge was: if something was "wrong" with the baby, we'd love him/her anyway. Pretty brave words, and I have to hope that this was exactly how we'd feel. In fact, we had a problem-free pregnancy, no missed work, and healthy baby boy, in spite of the dire warnings issued.
Justin had a teacher at St. Johns who confided to us that he'd had a son who drowned and was resuscitated, only to have permanent brain damage. He had a heart beat but never regained consciousness, became a vegetable. His son lived in an institution for another seven years and then finally died.
When I see parents with children who have challenges, my heart warms, because the parents see their child as just that, 'their' child. God looks at us that way, too, as filthy and wretched and defected as we are. We've been washed with His righteousness and He looks at us with loving eyes and a Father's heart.
How would I have handled a case like Andy's? I would like to think I'd been up to the challenge, as a single mom, I don't know, I don't know. The Lord was wise in handling our situation the way He did, taking Timmy straight home instead of allowing him to linger. This story really stirred something in me, I think Pastor knew that would happen!
On a totally 'nother subject, I am looking out a manatee resting against the sandbar about 3/4 of the way out into the basin. The dredger is quiet and I think they have to be as long as the manatees are "in the house"!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The angels for children are ever seeing the face of God

Sighs too deep for words......

Forget what I was going to write about tonight---Pastor sent me an e-mail suggesting I watch this video. Wow! It was powerful in testimony and full of a mother's love for her son. In case you don't watch it, her son had a common infection as a child which grew into something much worse, and he ended up in a coma for a month due to encephalitis. When he came out of the coma, he was mentally handicapped, could hear but not understand the words. The mom speaks of the hope which allowed her to deal with this situation, and eventually find a facility which would take good care of their son when they could no longer. She speaks about the passage where God hears our prayers even when sighs are too deep for words! What comfort this sweet sentence gives!!!
It's been a couple days since I've written for the blogsite, having no good reason why. Distracted perhaps? The memoir writers are doing such a fine job with our workshop, and it's so very interesting to hear what it was like for these women, growing up in such completely different environs. The contrast of New York and Cologne, Germany and add to that Manitowoc, WI. I'm quite pleased with how its going. One man has spoken to me about the reading group so I am planning to pursue a bit harder for later in summer. Tell your friends!!!
Tonight was free, odd for a Wednesday. Our Bible classes were suspended this week as Pastor is working on a project of some sort so I made plans to have dinner with my friend, Brenda N. On Monday she called to report dropping a soda can, taken from the freezer, onto the arch of her foot, wounding her. Brenda said she saw stars and let lose with a howl, but then managed to work with clients making selections! What a trooper!!! Today it was still giving her a fit so we planned to try again next week as she's staying at her daughter's house to dog sit the rest of the week. Brenda and her feet, I'll tell you. Such a freak thing to happen and so very painful at that.
Since I ended up with no dinner plans in place, I called Pam to see what she was doing. It turned out that she was meeting two of my downstairs neighbors for dinner at The Club and asked me to join them. Swell! A short distance to travel and great company, couldn't have worked out any better. We actually sat there yakking for nearly three hours, enjoying the piano player and his occasional vocals. Oh yeah, it was lovely! I watched for the moon to rise, but it was disguised by the clouds. It has since freed itself, looking more like a harvest moon than bright like its been this week. I'll take what I can get, even though I had to turn on a light to write instead using moonlight......
My mummy is starting to feel a little better today, said she's about a 4 3/4 on the scale of one to ten. She is able to eat something now without feeling urpy (Kerry loves that word!!) and isn't quite so drowsy all the time. I really hate it that she's sick but the girls are taking good care of her, especially Lynn, and will see to it she has everything she needs to feel better. All I can offer her is prayers, phone calls, and encouragement, since she told me I didn't need to come up there....Friday is a funeral at church for a very prominent member and I hope she feels up to going. I think she'd really regret not being there, to hear the message and the singing, and to offer comfort to the family. Maybe by tomorrow she'll be an 8 on the "feel better scale"!
As I was leaving the three ladies at The Club and heading for home, one gave me a big hug and said, "Thanks for sharing your joy tonight." What a wonderful thing to say! She is a bit disgruntled by the huge assessments and such going on in our building, but I told her I couldn't go there with her, so she had to come with me. Later, she gave me that hug and thank you. I hope it lasts!!!