This is the group photo taken on the Alaska cruise in 2007 with church family and real family! Back row is my sis, Lynn, Darwin, Ethel, sister-in-law Nancy, Sue Front row is Twila, Joanne, Me, Judy J., Judy C.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Back so soon?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The last posting ended after worship....
A view from my desk through the river room. The glass on the table is the gift from Dee, the painting on the wall is one I did.
Here's a shot looking northeast from the river room, showcasing my latterns and sun catchers.
This view is looking southeast from the river room, where you can see the dredging machinery, the palm trees, and more of the lanterns and sun catchers.
"The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away."
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Jill is my Johnny-on-the-spot Commenter!
Friday, June 27, 2008
It's a dog's life.......and I'd like it to be mine!
The above came from my lemon tree doctor and I found it perfect to start my day---after I stretched getting up from my "big nap"!
A bit more about the eye-rolling and such with the I get ready for bed, more pill popping takes place. Besides my scrips for Adult On-set Old Age (ahem, ahem) I also take a baby aspirin to prevent heart attacks plus a fish oil pill to reduce cholesterol. I first learned about the fish oil pills from Jean N.'s brother who went on the cruise with us in 2005. My family doctor takes them also, and I really like him, so followed his advice. They are harmless, don't taste like fish, and I really, really hate the idea of taking the scrips for lowering cholesterol!!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
It feels like the middle of the night already
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Making hay while the sun shines
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Let's type this with all thumbs!
That night when I first got the warning notice must have been for real because even though I have the Norton in place now, which claims to find no spyware or bugs, the downloads have gotten more slow and now, non-existent. I just hate to think about what nastiness invade my machinery, and someone, somewhere, is laughing at me for falling into the trap. Help! Help! The paranoids are after me!
The good news is that I can sit on my crumb-filled bed and use the computer; the bad news is my leg falls asleep from sitting in this awkward position. If it sleeps in the daytime, it will be up all night!!!
Justin and I had dinner together at Longhorn near church and spotted the waitress who used to take care of the gang after Monday morning class when we came in for lunch. She had to be off Mondays to take her hubby to chemo sessions so we missed seeing her. It was great to hug on her and she showed us photos of Frank, how he's putting on some weight now and all that. Patti asked me to tell the others she said "hello" and she misses us! Will do!
It was great spending the time with Justin, since he now barely has time for me. As he told our friend, Cindy, at the grocery store, he has a busy social life! Well, what do you know about that? Justin needed a few items from the store so after dinner we went to Publix and got what he was looking for, plus some extras, of course. That stinker also talked me into buying this V8 product with fruit in it, which he likes to drink, so I can get my daily dose of vegies and fruit. I asked Justin if it was like MonaVie but he didn't think so. I'll certainly give it a try, and if I don't like it, he'll take it off my hands. I'll have a glass in the morning when it's had a chance to get nice and cold.
The other Bible study ladies went to dinner without me since I wanted Justin to myself, They had some comfort food at Cracker Barrel. Judy J. joins us for the dinner portion of the evening but not the class. Maybe some day she will come, too---it's so very interesting a class.
Pleasant dreams, all!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yes, it's a good thing I've got "Seinfeld"....
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Back to the subject of joy...........
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The sea was angry, my friends......
Friday, June 20, 2008
A fun day in the sun!
I'm just sitting here waiting for my sugar to show.....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Further thoughts, not farther
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The angels for children are ever seeing the face of God
Sighs too deep for words......