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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tears are flowing and it's only 8:30 in the morning!

I have some nerve, don't I? Earlier this week I was fussing because I hadn't had any comments from anyone, and then am richly rewarded with them, thank you! And then I don't post anything at all yesterday!!! Judy R. wanted to know what was up, as she hadn't gotten an e-mail or read a new posting yesterday, experiencing withdrawal. As I told her in an e-mail today, I had such a jam-packed day on Thursday, the only one who got an e-mail was my mom! Sorry 'bout that, readers!
While we northern Floridians suffer through a cold snap here, my family and friends in the upper Midwest are suffering something fierce in dangerously frigid temperatures. In speaking with Mom on the phone Thursday, she reported that schools were closed, many businesses, Bible classes, etc. cancelled because it simply was not safe to venture out. I wondered if Lynn had gone out to hang her clothes on the wash line or not..................I hope not! Today was to be colder yet making for a long weekend for the kids, and longer yet for their parents! I don't think the schools up north celebrate MLK Day as a day off, I hardly think so. Maybe Martin Luther's birthday should be a day off instead! "Thank God for Luther", as one of our elderly members used to say....
The flowing tears this a.m. came from watching/listening to a video attachment Suzanne put on her blog, as Daniel, her four-year-old said his bed time prayers. He is praying what Timmy referred to as "the big one"--our Lord's prayer, and it is absolutely beautiful! Thank you, Suzanne, thank you thank you thank you!
Speaking of postings, Lisa finally updated her family blog and added six months' worth of news and information to her site. She wrote about coming down here and getting to see the "good" Rosewood family and friends, going to Disney during TS Faye, and so on. Then she had the nerve to declare her favorite vacation spot is Las Vegas, which she adds, "sorry, Kim!". Humpfff!
Okay, so where was I yesterday? I will tell---Joanne and I got up at our usual times, I think, but often I stay in my room until I am good and ready to interact. This is true when I live alone or with someone else so it is no reflection on Joanne or my houseguests at all. We started talking about all sorts of things when suddenly I realized it was nearly 9:00 a.m. and I was not dressed! Bible study started at 10:00 and I had a long ride to Victory in front of me. Whoosh around my room and bathroom to get dressed and then off I went. I did arrive with plenty of time to spare but hadn't eaten or picked up a large soda at all. However, I did manage to make lunch plans with Brenda W. for after Bible study which was a good thing!
Our class topic was David and Bathsheba, which should not have been that difficult for me. After all, it dealt with adultery, deception, falls from grace, repentance, forgiveness, followed by the death of a child. At one point Pastor asked me if I would read and I simply said, "No", so he moved to the next man. I did not say "no, not right now" or "no thanks", or "I'd rather not", just "No". After class Bonnie came and hugged me, knowing and understanding the reason for my choosing not to read. Pastor had to leave class immediately as he had an appointment coming in, so we didn't get to chat either. What I didn't realize was both Pastor and Brent celebrated birthdays this week, as they did 8 years ago, during what we call "the funeral week". They both were present for us, with Phil coming to the hospital to be with us, and all week long afterward in one way or another. Phil had served as counselor for my former spouse and me in 2000 when the problems started and we felt close, as I still do, to him.
So, okay, let us move on to Koko's! I arrived a few moments ahead of Brenda W. so poked my nose in at Great Hang Ups, as though I could resist! Brenda was bringing two friends of hers from church to talk about art and such with me, and I offered to introduce them to Dee and Julia. Unfortunately, after lunch, I had to get back home because Dee's daughter, Helen, was coming to do my pedicure, and Jennifer's. Helen is a recent grad of beauty college, her second career, and is waiting to be hired by a salon. In the meantime, she makes house calls which worked perfectly for Jennifer. She could sit in a regular chair with her feet in a Dr. Scholl's Foot Fixer and not be concerned about slipping, sliding, or maneuvering in a salon.
Time flew by and it was time for them all to leave, "all" meaning Helen, Jen, and Memrie, the Girl Scout cookie-selling maniac that she is! Jen had her wear her official apron for Brownies or whatever group she is in, and give me her sales pitch about ordering cookies. The sheet has the pre-printed prices for the cookies, up to 12 boxes, which Memrie nicely told me, "You can order more than 12"! I had to laugh, as though I would do such a thing in the first place, but she was assuring me I didn't have to limit myself to 12 boxes!


Linda M said...

Good Morning Kim!!!

So good to hear from you today. I checked your blog during the day, you have me addicted, always looking forward to the next chapter.!!!!!
I was getting worried that you were having a down day.My dad died unexpectedly on Jan 9, 2001, in the kitchen.Every Jan 9th, I have to get out of the house.I can't be here.I'm always glad when that day is over.
-15 without wind chills
No school again

Froze Solid In WI
Linda M

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda,

Thank you for becoming an addict to my musings! I love it!!!

Yes, I can imagine how you feel about leaving the house on that date, not being superstitious or anything, but it is just the right thing for you to do. There are no rules when it comes to grieving and mourning.

It is so dreadfull having that cold weather up there, and I shouldn't fuss about our "cold" temps here.....

