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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back already!

Jen picked me up at about 7:30 and off we went downtown to Baptist Heart Center. We allowed extra time for the normally heavier traffic but until we got to I-10, it was smooth sailing. Where I-10 merges with I-95 there was a bottleneck but we could remain calm as we had nearly a half hour before her appointment. More like 45 minutes which allowed for the missing of our turn and doing a go-around to get into the parking garage, etc. Once we found the registration desk and got all the info put into the computer, we sat for only a few moments before being called in----20 minutes early!!! We were prepared to sit there and wait our turn since we arrived so far ahead but in we went!
The test went well and quickly, with the staff being most kind and gracious. I did help Jen get her shirt and bra off and the gown on, and then reversed the process afterward. It was helpful for me to be there with Jen because it was a complicated task with her limited arm movement, it was better to have extra hands. They said the results might be available already today so now we simply wait to hear what the cardiologist has to say. The techs don't say anything about what they see, liability issues and all that stuff.
Coming back was a breeze and we arrived at Grumpy's in no time at all. Rather than having breakfast, I ordered the meat loaf from the special menu and was sorely disappointed! It was not nearly as good as the meatloaf Sandy made for our comfort foods dinner last week. Might even have been a frozen or pre-packaged entree, but the potatoes and green beans were yummy. And the dinner roll----oh, my goodness! I made arrangements to pick up a half dozen homemade dinner rolls tomorrow morning before I head to Victory for Bible study. Cannot wait!
So, now I am just waiting until it is time for my massage appointment and the rest of the day is mine to "marinate", what Carol, the massage therapist, says to do after her treatment. I can do that easily and eagerly!

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