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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Turquoise --- it's not just for denim anymore!

Beware the Ides of March! Nine years ago today I had my LASIK surgery which allows me to walk about my home without requiring eye wear. I thank God for this surgery because it truly changed my life. Or, my life changed after I had it, whether or not I had the procedure! Last year at this time Justin and I were in New York on his spring break, visiting museums and riding the double-decker tour bus in the rain. At least the rain stopped so we could watch the St. Patrick's Day Parade, only freezing our noses off. Make no mistake, we had a marvelous time and he got to watch "American Idol" twice, in my presence. Looking back, he regrets being gone so long because he missed work, and then later, the money he could have earned. I had left the itinerary up to him so sadly, we did not get to see every museum in NYC, but enough to sate. Obviously, no trips planned for this break, our high times are at rest!
As I dressed for church today, I chose my beige slacks with a shell and overshirt. I call it my "What Not to Wear" outfit because it looks like something they would help their victims select, except the pants have an elastic waist....Ooops! If I have one necklace, I have thirty-one hanging on a former towel bar in my bathroom. The one which I liked the best is the turquoise set Linda J. gave me a couple years ago. It seems this color works with everything, or at least, much of what is in my closet! Thanks, Linda!
Yesterday was simply an awesome, exhausting day! I set my cell phone alarm for 6:00 a.m. so I would be ready when Judy came to pick me up at 7:00. And I was ready! Just as I was shutting my computer down so I could head out the door, the doorbell rang. Here was Judy on my porch, wondering if I was ready to go. I was, but had to grab my blanket for in the car, my purse, etc. and wake Joanne. Judy said she told me 6:45 a.m. for pick-up but Suzanne confirmed that I was told 7:00 a.m. Judy has no cell phone or she could have just called from the car instead of coming upstairs to gather me.
It was still dark as we made our way to Lake Asbury for Janet and Suzanne, and were only a few minutes later than planned. I had taken two cans of soda along, plus Judy had a cooler with soda in it. Janet, being a high-maintenance passenger (te he he) needs to stop about halfway there and back again at McDonald's to go potty, so we got drinks there, too. And once more on our way home!
Janet is such a hoot and took great great delight in a fence along the way, along State Road 218, which had decorated posts all along the road. Decorated, you ask? Oh, yes! Nearly every post had some household or garage item on top of it including bicycles, wheel barrows, farm implements, and yes, even a grille! I missed it the first time through so Judy took special effort to slow down for me to see the next time. It was then that Janet spotted the grille, not a Weber-brand, placed on top of the fence post----and she lost it!! I asked her if she wanted to sit on my blanket but Judy warned, "Not in MY car!". Great times, great laughs. On the other hand, Suzanne rather liked the display and did not see the humor in it. It might be artful in some circles, and I defended the home owners/tenants by guessing they simply did not have a garage for storage so had to use their fence instead!


Dave Schipper said...

I never think too many times about what not to wear...


Hey you can watch me play and sing on YouTube... I figured out how my laptop works with these things.


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi David!

Justin and I watched your shows, and are very excited to see you on the computer!!! Bravo!!

Hugs and squeezes,
