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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Listening to lovely music while Rome burns..., probably not. Kathy B. sent me a play list she put together of contemporary Christian music, as Brian and she were absolutely blown away that I did not listen to this type of music. Kathy has been working on this for some time, gathering the most excellent pieces to send me via electronics and it plays as I write. Some of the melodies reminded me of "Phantom of the Opera": "in sleep he sings to me, in dreams he came, the voice that cries to me and speaks my name....". Guess what I will be listening to in the car these next few days!
Remember my promise to stop working early in the night so as not to interrupt my sleeping? It was a wonderful plan but it did not work. Joanne also had trouble going to sleep, too, so we attributed it to the time change. Normally by 11:00 p.m. I am ready to roll over for sleep, but I heard the clock chime midnight and perhaps beyond before sleep took over. To avoid oversleeping this a.m. I had set the alarm on my phone to wake me, but I was not ready to do that when it went off. Joanne and I had make sure we got our showers before the water is turned off again for more repairs. Brown ice cubes, here we come!
There is a man on F & F this a.m. who is marketing a Bernie Madoff bank where you drop the money into the top but there is no way to get the money back out. The resemblance is remarkable, and I love that someone can capitalize on this tragedy. Folks are just beside themselves knowing this rascal might be making plea deals to get out of going to prison or shortening his time in prison after bilking billions of dollars from folks. Since I know of someone who was "victimized" by Madoff, I pay special attention to what goes on with this guy, plus F & F stays on top of his antics as well. "Weekend at Bernie's"....always makes me chuckle! Maybe because he lives in a $7 million dollar apartment while his family members are losing their homes to his bogus investments....oh yes, that is hysterical!
My attorney wants to meet with me before our appointed Court time so I am heading down to Green Cove earlier than I need to be. Parking can be difficult, with some walking involved and then the inevitable but necessary metal detectors at security to go through. Time will be my friend today. I remember going to the Court House for some documents many years ago and the x-ray machine showed all sorts of metal in my purse. Upon investigation we discovered 5 Matchbox cars plus other toys and "mom" stuff in the bottom of the purse. I am fairly confident there are no cars in there any longer but might take another look at what would show up on the x-rays!
Too bad I have to miss Bible study this morning and lunch afterward but it cannot be helped. Last Thursday I missed the study at Victory, but again, unavoidable. Tonight we have our make-up Ladies' Group meeting since last week so many were going to be out or were sick, it did not pay to try and hold a meeting. Guess I had better send out a reminder to the ladies so no one misses by mistake.
More later!


kathy b said...

Hope you enjoyed the music . . . I'm praying for you!! Love & Hugs :)

Anonymous said...

Hi,your friends would probably like my music library cause all I have are classical and Christian with the exception of some of the Christmas c.d.s'have the secular stuff mixed in.....listened to the supplement music yesterday and Pachelbel....was agood day for listening....started out with D. Bish....bad weather it's a winter wonderland but it will melt cause the sun is out. You are in my thoughts and prayers this a.m. Love Mom

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Kathy B.:

I did enjoy the music and the prayers worked. Now, we must pray for my former spouse and his business (used to be mine!) because they are in a bad way.

Hugs and blessings,


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom,

Music has a way of soothing the savage breast and some of my friends sent hymn verses as well as Kathy's playlist. The song "Hiding Place" was playing in my head as I sat in the hallway at the Courthouse.

The music Kathy gave me is the type played on Christian radio stations, not hymns usually.

I heard about the nasty weather, and Lynn's terrible ride home and to work. She went to Johnston's!!!!!!!! I want a cookie!



Anonymous said...

When I read the aprt about the metal detectors it made me chuckle. It reminded me about my friend who had an xray taken and the underwires from her bra showed up. For me I would have been embarassed but she laughed about it with her doctor.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

No Matchbox cars yesterday but a sign on the door said "No Food or Drink" so I was going to toss my brand new diet Pepsi into the trash. The cop at the metal detector asked, "Is that bottle open yet?" and I said it was not, so he told me to put it by him. He was going to drink it!! I made a friend at the metal detector....

That is funny about the underwires showing up. When I scheduled my mammogram, the lady asked me if I had breast implants and I said, "Oh, no, it's all me!" and she laughed. Bet she never heard that one she's heard them all!

