Thursday, April 30, 2009
Whew! Takin' a break...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thank you, Lord, for easing my pain!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Man, it is windy out there again!
I am nearly in violation of my discipline...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The weekend went by quickly
Saturday, April 25, 2009
You have to be careful for what you wish....
Saturday morning decision making
Friday, April 24, 2009
It's all about relationships!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, Bible study day!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Home from the vet
I have two sick girlies here....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wedding Pictures (Forgive any repeats, please...)
Please visit my niece's blog:
One of my neighbors who is a Realtor sent postcards advertising a Unit she has listed in our building and I used it to help show where my Unit is located. The smaller blue canopy, near center, is two floors below my river room....just picture it.......See how the palm trees are just outside my doors? At the top of the left side you will see the Unit where the porch runs from front to back. These folks lost their porch ceiling in the wind storm last week Tuesday. Some of the porches are enclosed, like mine is, but some are still open. I like mine being glassed in for additional "living room" although the majority of my time is truly spent in the room by the two palm trees, to the left of the sliding glass doors.....come visit me!
*Tonight is our usual dinner and Bible study group, with the plans to meet at Cracker Barrel this time. One of us is hungry for meatloaf again, her last time having it was Friday, leftovers from Mimi's! I hope we get more of our group together tonight, as the past few times have been fewer and fewer. One lady does not drive at night but lives wwaayy out in Middleburg by the "old" Smokey's, so if her "driver" is not coming, she can't either. Calls have been made to all involved and we can only hope they make it.
My day yesterday was full of exercise---yes, exercise---in futility! The afternoon was spent attempting to change a mess of my banking stuff from one to the other. I am changing to the credit union and must unschedule my pre-authorized deductions from the bank and get them set up with the new account. Oh, easier said than done! One place has me writing me a letter and sending a voided blank check in order to make the change. Another place I had to talk to Appleton, WI, with new information with additional paperwork required because, for some reason, my former spouses' name appears as being on the account, which he does not, and they need a formality performed to remove the name. This was set up back in 1996 when Timmy was born, and so much has happened since then! My health insurance will only make the changes via e-mail so I am awaiting a reply from someone there to switch it over or risk having a lapse in coverage. Yikes!
My, that sun feels so delicious on my arm and cheek! I will be tanned on a least one side of my body anyway. A group of us were wondering how much longer before the pools are warm enough to swim in, at least for adults to swim in, as kids do not seem as sensitive to the icy water temp. But, the sun certainly helps make it seem warmer, and we count the days until we have successive days in the 80's to bring that water temp up to "user friendly"!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday coming to a close
Let me try this again.....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Winding down on Sunday
Saturday's events
Saturday, April 18, 2009
All artsy fartsy!
Friday, full of interesting turns of events....
The pipes for the organ are placed all around the sanctuary, including these which are operated with a pulley system, pulls them into an upright position. I cannot wait to hear it played! I got to hear the pipe organ again at the Times-Union Center Thursday night. Love that pipe organ!