My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Editorial from my church newsletter

Editorially Speaking……..
Much of my free time recently has been dedicated to writing my blog, which I describe as being my newest “passion”. I have several things in my life I refer to as being “my passion”, such as music or colored glass or art. The newest CD from Sarah Brightman (another passion of mine) features a duet, called “Pasion”, sung in Spanish. Oh, my, if passion has a voice, this is definitely it!

This type of passion is something considered attractive, appealing, gripping. One does not run from this passionate feeling, but rather seeks it. While we presently consider passion as being a pleasant thing, the Latin basis for the word means “to suffer”. Wow, suddenly passion can take on a whole different feeling….

Through His passion, Christ our Lord bore torture, mocking, insults, even death, bearing the sin of us on the cross. This passion of His made us right with God.

Our Lord’s passion, His walk leading up to the events that unfolded from Palm Sunday to Easter, would certainly not be something sinful human being would be drawn toward or seek after. No amount of our passion or desire would ever be enough to pay the debt owed to our heavenly Father. Only His Son could take that passionate walk, to suffer, to die, and rise again, according to God’s plan and promise.

Now, that’s what I call passion, really compassion, the Lord’s mercy on us, making our sins as white as snow in His eyes. Telling this story of salvation being won for us is truly something to be passionate about, sharing with others this wonderful news. Please---tell it and tell it with passion!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Antique Joy.........courtesy of Lori!

I hope everyone likes the new format for the postings....if not, please let me know what you don't care for, okay? It's called "Harbor"--no wonder I liked it!
How fast the week flew by! Jen was saying this morning that the week was going slowly even though there's a family wedding tomorrow. I had the wrong day in my head every single day, thinking Tuesday was Thursday and so on. Emily told me once when she was a stay-at-home mom that every day was the same to her, and sometimes that happens to me, especially when there are no appointments or meetings to make.

Jen and I had breakfast at Honey B's, after going back and forth over whether or not to go out in the cold. Yes, it was a bit chilly this a.m. She at first cancelled saying it was too cold which was also fine with me, but then called back to change her mind, since she needed to get Mem's dress for the wedding. It was worth it to freeze to pieces. I did mention to her how Gabe and Manny have to be all bundled up in their snowsuits when it's -9 plus a wind chill factor, so we'd better just tough it out when it's only in the 40's!

Here's Gabe as a baby......he's nearly ready to start pre-school this fall!

After breakfast we parted company, Jen on her way to get the dress and me to the cemetery to tidy up after the wretched storm that rolled through here on Tuesday. I anticipated the bouquet would have been airborne but it had only tipped forward. The marker and such was full of sand so that was swept off with the handy-dandy paint brush I keep in the car.

From there it was over to Home Depot to make some color selections for the classroom building. It has been difficult for the Team to get together all in one place at the same time so it was decided that I could make the initial choices and then we'd settle on the final decisions together. I had a bit of fun trying to pick out tile, carpet, cabinets, mica, and paint colors, three of each, so there's plenty for people to pick from. That was a long time on my feet, running up and down the aisles, looking for people to help me, but all in all, it was good time!

Once I got back upstairs, I turned up the thermostat to get the chill from the rooms. There was some time before the next "event" today so worked on a couple computer things and made my travel arrangements for going to MN and WI while the elevator is being worked on. That was time consuming and a bit frustrating as I ended up having a lovely chat with a Delta rep in India! We got the situation resolved and it's a done deal. It's costly to rent a car for that long a period but it's not possible to be without one either, not if I want to visit all the folks I plan to see.

This evening was a Board Meeting for the Art Guild. The turn-around time for getting Minutes out is quite short so will work on that first thing in the morning. Best when done in the light of day. We have many exhibits and activities coming up in these next few months, some which I'll miss out on being gone to NYC and then WI/MN.

Oh, oh, oh, I just remembered something that got bumped when the Internet went down: you all must visit my sister, Lori's, website and see her jewelry for sale. The address is: Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT, purchase the "Antique Joy" necklace as I have my name on that one. Please feel free to purchase any of the other pieces.

After the meeting I stopped at Publix to pick up a few things and came away disappointed that the Golden Flake hull-less popcorn was not re-stocked yet. My favorite! Settled for Cheetos' brand hull-less cheese flavored which is okay but not as good as the plain, packing peanuts that I get from Golden Flake! I had given a bag to Twila once and that's how she described them.

By the time I got back here The Palace Board meeting downstairs was well underway and since my house so nice and warm, I decided not to join that meeting. One Board meeting a night was enough for me. My supper was leftovers from dinner at Cracker Barrell last night with some church ladies. Love that roast beef and carrots! There is the most beautiful angel statue in the gift shop at C. Barrell. Its wings are outstretched with the words to "Amazing Grace" painted inside one wing, with an arm of the angel wrapped around a small child next to him. You can only imagine where that would suit perfectly! Thus far I haven't purchased it, for no good reason really.......

Jerusalem, the Golden

Last night was Lenten worship followed by choir rehearsal. Our director was absent but Robbie was able to lead us, not a small task for such an unruly group as the church choir!
We got through several of our anthems with a bit of work and then it was time to pick up the Easter song. Okay, Kim, here it comes, buck up, you can do it.........
We are singing "Jerusalem, the Golden", using a symphonic melody and accompanied by Suzanne on the viola. Robbie plays the organ as majestically as it can, and we sing the melody line. The tune is lilting and did I say "majestic"?
I was so proud of myself--Suzanne played her intro and then we launched into the hymn itself. We were on the second page of the music before the tears started to flow---oh, that vision of heaven and what awaits us there is simply too much. No matter how often I listen on Pete's website or practice with the choir, the emotion flows. Here are some of the words which trip me up:
.....I know not, O I know not, what joys await us there,
What radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare.
They stand, those halls of Zion, all jubilant with song,
And bright with many an angel, and all the martyr throng;
The Prince is ever in them, the daylight is serene.
The pastures of the blessèd are decked in glorious sheen.
It's like I told Emily, any hymn now that is listed in the "End Times" section will get me, as I long to see heaven and join the throng. Besides being face to face with my Savior, I'll (we'll) get to see our loved ones who have been experiencing that "bliss beyond compare". Tarren told me that whenever she sings the part about the pastures, she thinks about Timmy. See, it's not only me!

Fond, frozen remembrances

In December sometime, getting things ready for one of the parties hosted here, I had a little accident when taking a container of cookies from the freezer. The cover sort of let go, spilling some cookies which had the little colorful BBs pressed into them. Talk about a mess! The cats and I cleaned up the floor but some cookies poured out inside the freezer, which is drawer-style. Not having time to take that drawer all apart, I just left the cookies there---until today! Using the longest kitchen tool which would fit back there, out came the remnants of the cookies. The crumbs and BB mess will have to come out some other time. I wasn't up to standing on my head to get at the residue, it would wait until another day.
While in the freezer drawer, monkeying around to get the cookies out, I spotted the zip-lock bag which holds two boxes of pancake mix, one container of drinkable "logurt" with dinosaurs on the bottle, and a box of whimsical corn dogs, sporting cowboy hats. Why would someone have such odd things in their freezer? They were Timmy's! When he died, it seemed important to keep as much stuff around as possible to remind us of him, including the pancake mix used on Saturdays when the boys made breakfast with their father. The corn dogs were left from when the refrigerator was stocked while their parents took a cruise in November 2000. It remains important to keep those things, even if they take up valuable space.
Today I was searching in my kitchen cupboard for cold medicine, but I think Justin took it all for his drainage troubles. But I did find, rather, found again, the little measuring tube used to dispense liquid medicine to children, a bottle of baby aspirin, Flintstones vitamins, and dissolving grape-flavored cold tablets. Why are they still there? Why not? Every now and again, I'll look in the plastic bin where they are kept, and remember....
Some might think it's not "healthy" but I can live with that judgment. I am not paralyzed by my grief, but instead grow with it, or away from it, much more than I'd have expected. There are reminders all over my house that tell about Timmy. And, some day, if I ever get busy on it, I will finish my book. In the meantime, though, in the freezer, near the crumbs and BBs, are remembrances of him, frozen in time.

This photo captures the true essense of Timmy, waiting for Justin's St. Johns bus in front of Childtime. Just look at that hair..........sort of like mine looks now!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did you miss me? My Internet has returned!

Talk about old-fashioned! Now I am forced to write this as a Word document and will be doing the cut/paste thing in order to get it over to the blog site. I hope this Internet situation is resolved shortly or I’ll simply have a fit! You’ve not lived until witnessing a “Kim Fit”! When we accidently dripped on my downstairs neighbors last year during the remodel, I said something to Andy about being “upset”. He asked me, “You were upset? That’s it?? You need to talk to my wife!” Oops, looks I have to work on that upset thing….
While writing I am multi-tasking: listening to Sarah sing for me, printing newsletters for those without Internet (which would be ME today!), and writing for the blog. I catch all kinds of heck for not posting daily but truthfully was holding back to avoid appearing verbose. Apparently verbose must be acceptable and I’ll do my best to post more often.
Rick and I spent some time together last night over at The Club so he could stage some of the photos for his sister-in-law’s wedding taking place on Friday. I do hope it warms up for them, would hate to be sitting out there with temps in the 60’s, especially on the shady side of the building. It’s a rather small gathering and even though Bruce said I can sit with them, I won’t crash their party. Joanne, Justin and I are going to hear/see “Movin’ Up” instead, celebrating Jo’s birthday at the same time. Nice! Rick’s developed quite a niche for himself with wedding photography, sharing his hobby with a work partner, Niko. He knows all the ins and outs of his camera where I rely on my “aide” to help me with that—or go ask Julia for help!
Once we had the shots staged, Rick left to pick up Christopher. Since there was time, I met some lady friends at Aron’s Pizza, located where the Fish and Chips used to be on Hwy. 17. They’d finished already but were sitting around chatting so I had a soda with them before we all headed over to church for Bible study. Pete from the car wash was there with his family, and it was great to see them all again. We’d built a home for them many years ago, when our office was still in the Street of Dreams garage. 13 years already? Wow! I see Pete whenever I have my car cleaned but not the entire family--it was heartwarming. He always asks about Justin, which, too, is heartwarming. I didn’t tell him about the hearing problem, didn’t feel it was the time and place to go into all that.
When we got to church, the Art Fair was still going on in Precious Lambs and I got to see all my extended "Sarah" family. Even Baby Chloe was there. Paul had called me in the afternoon to report that Sarah is the official greeter at the preschool, calling “hello” to everyone who comes in, no matter who they are. Ms. Deb said Sarah gets that from Ms. Kim, and Paul said, “Well, you know she is Sarah’s godmother!” Funny, funny, funny! Sarah is flourishing in preschool, as one might expect.

Boots' new family: Emily, Sarah, and Paul

Our Bible Information Class was well-attended, even going longer than usual. Our discussion was on the humanity of Christ, paired with His Holiness. Couldn’t help but tear up when Pastor was describing the pain that Jesus bore on the cross for us. The lady across from me was wiping away tears, too, so I don’t feel badly. He painted such a stirring picture for us, and it wasn’t even a sermon. Reminds me of “The Passion of Christ” movie that Steve, our plumber, treated us to a few years back. Mom and Lynn were here for that. Betty and Robin C. were there, too, as Steve’s guests. Where was I going with this---oh, yes, the BIC last night was most excellent, and perfect topic for Lent.

Speaking of passion, the song I referenced in this month's newsletters' Editorial is playing right now, a duet with Sarah B. and Fernando Lima. It's called “Pasion”, and is just lovely.

In case you didn't notice, the previous posting ended rather abruptly, which was due to the Internet leaving me. Sorry about that, and hope this makes up for it. My tummy is grumbling which means time to grab a bite. I think I'll eat in today as I am printing these newsletters and such. One of the nicest things about this time of year is the reappearance of hot cross buns. Yummmmmy!
Lord's blessings on your worship tonight! I feel badly that some of my text disappeared in the original posting...probably some of my best, gone, just like that........

No problem seeing Mandarin today!

It's nice and clear today, and I must confess to being the tiniest bit warm sitting here in my window. A few shore birds are walking about below, looking as though their feet are in molasses. The water level is low, exposing some funky looking sand, colored by the yellow pollen that also covers my car. When Linda was here, I told her my car was the red one with yellow blotches, and she picked it out right away!
Last night I had a nice chat with Barb, my sister-in-law from Green Bay, regarding their pending visit. As badly as I want them to come here to see my place, I had to caution about the elevator being out of service when they come. She seems to think they can manage the stairs for that visit, and I'll probably make them a lovely meal so we can eat in, limiting the number of trips up and down. Unfortunately, my other in-laws from South Florida won't be able to see my home because Marian can't make the stairs at all. She missed out coming here for Justin's graduation, as she left the party hall before we took it home, so to speak. My parents-in-law and Marian have never been up here, and now my mother-in-law has gone to heaven. She has a better view than I have!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I know Mandarin is over there somewhere!

The fog is so dense that I can't even see across the harbor area, much less over to Mandarin. There is a heron down below the window straining to spot fish in the water---now, that is some thick fog!
I heard that rain showers were expected today, and in one second I can get the weather report--please hold for a moment (a little Sprint lingo there)'s presently 64 above zero with storms expected this evening. One day this week it's supposed to only reach 55 for the high, which means I'll be housebound. Can't go out when it's below 60...just teasing. It seems that the temps in Manitowoc and area might reach 32 above, which means some of that nasty ice might melt away. Then Jill and Lynn won't have to spend their down time chipping away at glaciers in their driveways!
There was a wretched wreck yesterday out near the base. Apparently two young men were drag racing on Roosevelt, with one losing control and shooting across the median into oncoming traffic, striking three cars, one head-on. One of the "innocent" drivers was killed, and his wife was driving another car behind him and not killed. She probably was "killed" in a way, seeing her husband die right before her eyes. Several other people in the other cars were injured, including a young girl, all from Orange Park. This wasn't at night either, mid-morning drag racing on a public, heavily-traveled roadway. The other car in the race took off but believe you me, the police are looking for that blue Mustang and will find him! One minute you can be driving down the road following all the rules, and then someone runs into you who isn't...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oh, it feels so good to sit down

Busy, busy, busy, like many Sundays are. After church I came home for a bit and managed to find some recorded "Frasier" episodes to watch. What a nice treat, since I'm sad about running out of my DVD's that Justin gave me for CHRISTmas.
For some reason, my family room TV won't play anything on the Lifetime channel, which is where "Frasier" plays. Maybe Justin put the "fix" in on it, as he used to forbid me to watch Lifetime because of the movies shown on there. Isn't that a bit reversed? The child forbidding the parent...anyway, he felt it wasn't good for my spirit and well-being to watch that type of program. He has my best interest at heart! Therefore, my DVR can't record from that channel any longer. There are some Frasier episodes recorded around New Year which still show, which is why I got to see it today. Whew! The long way around again, right?
This afternoon was spent at Great Hang Ups for Kris's art show. It was fun and I got to visit with a couple of Justin's art teachers from St. Johns. There were some sales made although I don't know the overall success of the show, as some folks were still there when I left.
Pizza/Game Night was sort of a bust, although we did have 5 adults and one child. An entire pizza was leftover which the preschool teachers can enjoy tomorrow. Fausto was bit distressed that more people don't come, in fact, he claimed that anyone who had kids should be there! Here's the worst part as far as I'm concerned, no Scrabble for Kim.....we played Mexican dominoes which was quite fun and terrific for a group. Oh well.....
And why does it feels so good to sit down? I was on my feet much of the day, except for during worship. Before church and after, I was scooting around talking to people, getting the table set up in the breezeway, taking attendance, etc. At Hang Ups I was workin' the room, on my feet some more. It simply felt wonderful to sit down and relax!
There is a heart-breaking movie on TV right now---The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, which is cool because I get to see views of Santorini periodically. But, there is one young lady, Carmen, who is suffering terribly because her dad is remarrying, a surprise to his daughter, and the woman is blond with two blond kids. The natural daughter is Puerto Rican as is her mom, obviously, and she's having a really tough time accepting all this.
One scene shows Carmen standing outside the house, looking in at her dad's "new" family, all sitting around the table. It bugged her so much that she threw a rock at the window and ran back home. Just now she called her father and let her grief out, feeling that her dad traded his wife and daughter in for something better. Gut wrenching sorrow, with the dad shown weeping, too, unable to mend this damaged relationship. She told him how her uncle calls every month but only sees dad twice a year. Heart breaking. As I often say, "Oh, the things we do to our children!"
Speaking of children, Justin is doing well as far as coping with his news Wednesday. He has a physical therapy appointment in the morning, goes to work, and then home early to cram for a test. He is doing a project for one of the classes tonight, something Roman. I offered to send him some photos but he said he's got everything needed. Justin got to spend some time with Pam and family tonight for Jesse's birthday, now 22 years old, at Carrabba's. Nuts! I missed out...
There is much more to say but will leave that for another time. I think of so many things when I'm at church, some of the readings either in Bible study or worship prick my heart, but then when I get home, I've lost my train of thought. Enough thinking for tonight, though, so good night all and consider this from Ephesians: I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints...

The river is like glass....... looks very smooth with jewels floating on top. Quite different from yesterday with the nasty weather we had earlier in the day.
Lynx and I were awake a couple times already this morning but I finally had to give in and get up to stay. The sun beckoned me, as did the bathroom! TMI...
The newsletter was finished more or less last night, however there still is editing to do in the daylight hours. No matter how many times it's read through, some boo boos sneak onto the pages. What goes on when I'm asleep?
Saturday went by quickly, starting with a lovely breakfast with the church ladies at Honey B's. I'd reserved for 12 people for 9:30 a.m. and when I arrived, found a small group already in place---at a table for 6. Well, that wasn't going to work and truthfully speaking, the place was a beehive! Hence, the name....No one could really tell us what was happening or stop long enough to help us out. Finally a table emptied nearby and we corralled a young lady to help us move furniture to accommodate our group. Only one person didn't show, which is a far cry better than the last outing to Mediterrania where more than half that signed-up didn't show....ouch!!!
As I said, Honey B's was a veritable beehive and we aren't exactly sure who our waitress was, but we were kept full of drinks for the long wait on our meals. The conversation flowed, never a doubt about that, and if we're going to be stuck in a restaurant, these are the folks to be stuck with. Not to make it sound worse than it was, by 11:00 am we were out the door, which is nice length of time for ladies to socialize. In my opinion, it was the franticness of the staff which cause some to feel frantic---frenzy is catchy, you know. We should have had the de-caf!
Oops, I see it is nearly time to leave for church. I'll have to post another later on. This afternoon is an art show for a friend up at Great Hang Ups and later is pizza/game night at church. I am missing Jesse's birthday party because of pizza/game night but at least I'll get to play Scrabble with Paul and Emily again!
Blessings on your worship today!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Is that all she does? Cry?

Of course not, it only seems that way! My eyes are about swollen shut again after seeing "The Bucket List" the second time. This viewing was with Twila and her visiting sister, Elaine. It was just as wonderful as the first time, although knowing ahead of time what's going to happen takes away some of the edge, as one would expect. It probably would be a good idea for me to take a rest, at least my eyes, before heading out to a fund raiser for Travis later on. Another event, another change of clothes.....

Thus far I haven't heard from Justin, as I was out much of the day and he has school all day Thursdays. I'd like to know what he's thinking about today, if he's upset about yesterday's news or simply concentrating on the things which he can affect--grades!

This late morning I met Jen and Martie at Pengree's, enjoying a wonderful meal and visit. Martie had to leave for work but Jen and I were a bit later leaving as, strange as this is to believe, I met up with someone I knew. Hugging and conversation and more hugging ensued in the parking lot, so I was nearly late to the movie theater. I called Twila to let her know I was running behind so they got their tickets and saved a seat for me. As it turned out, I managed to locate a convenient parking spot, rare at the movies, and found my friends in plenty of time. We watched and wept, ate our popcorn, and then left the theater in the midst of a rain storm! Of course, cold and wet, my favorites! And Twila had just mentioned going to the beach one of these coming days..........supposed to be 80 tomorrow and hopefully sunny!

Thanks to all who have replied to my first blog yesterday about Justin's hearing loss. Sorry that the Comment thingy is on the fritz but e-mails are just as welcome. Your prayers are appreciated, including those of thanksgiving for it not being even worse than it is!

What does it mean when the moon turns orange?

Good evening, all!
Well, I am back home after church and choir practice tonight, feeling a bit worn out after the news and such earlier. We rehearsed "Jerusalem, the Golden", again singing with tears running down my cheeks. Makes it a bit difficult to hit those high notes. It's truly a lovely anthem, sung to a melody called "Jupiter", from an orchestral piece called "The Planets", described as being "stately". It is all that, particularly with Suzanne playing the viola and Robbie accompanying on the organ. I wish we could get someone else to play to the organ so that Robbie could play his trumpet, but.......I guess we'll get by with viola, organ, and me sobbing my eyes out!
The good news is that as we were leaving church after choir practice we were able to see the moon eclipsing. It was not quite done so I drove home as quickly as I could to watch the finale. At first the clouds were blurring it but then when I took another peak, ta da! Red orange in color, making the clouds around it look the same hue...gorgeous and phenomenal. I hope that is the appropriate word choice there. Yep, it is the perfect explanation for what we've seen tonight: extraordinary and remarkable--thanks Miriam Webster! Judy just sent a quick e-mail reporting that she took pictures of our shared moon (saying she was out mooning on her deck!) and commented it was an absolutely perfect night in MN....probably it, too, was phenomenal!!
Thanks for the kind, caring words and thoughts about Justin's hearing loss. I'll pass those along to him tomorrow. Cindy, you're my biggest fan, and I yours!!! The Lord's continued blessings to you all!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have to put my sad face on today

Let me this a sad color? Kind of.
This morning Justin and I had to waken very early, especially since I had to drive wwaayy over to his side of town. He had an appointment with the audiologist and ear people, the experts, and underwent some in-house tests.
I should have sensed something was up when the first technician went into the office with another lady who seemed to be a boss, and shut the door. She then came back, directing us to yet another room for more tests. This particular machine was quite sensitive to sound, so we had be as quiet as could be, with even the sound of the machine operating picked up on the program. I was afraid my telephone would go off and ruin the whole thing, but fortunately it was quiet.
Following that test we were ushered into another waiting area until the next person, a registered nurse, came for us. We went into an exam room where she asked a million questions about the onset of this malady, even asked if there was any diabetes on either side of the family. She didn't say why this was important but it must help them to sort out cause/effect or something. She typed the whole works into her computer and then left. It wasn't long until another lady came in, a Physician's Assistant (PA), Judy, whose been doing this for 25 years already. She knew her stuff.
Judy showed us print outs of his hearing tests and the others they did this morning, asked many questions again, going over the who, what, when, where, and whys of the onset, trying to narrow it down. According to their tests and examinations, Justin is totally deaf in his left ear, most likely permanently.
Given the way everything played out, apparently Justin had a virus in his ear, not causing pain but producing pressure on the balance nerve as well as the hearing nerve, and the pressure apparently crushed his hearing nerve. Fortunately the balance nerve recovered, with the nerve that controls some facial muscles being unaffected. (Bell's Palsy). If there is a bright side to this, and of course, there is, Justin ONLY lost his hearing and not his entire equilibrium and facial muscles.
Now, the questions come: How did this happen? Why did the family doctor determine it was allergy-caused rather than this virus at work? What could have been done to reverse this earlier on? The way Judy described it, this was just bad luck.
Not believing in luck, good or bad, I was glad to hear her explain that even if we'd come immediately to their office and diagnosed the problem, they'd have given him massive doses of prednisone for a couple weeks, with a 50/50 chance that it would correct the problem. In other words, it happens.
No one's fault, no one upon whom to afix blame. Not himself for contracting this virus, not his mama who was cruising in the North Pacific, not his doctor, who read the symptoms just as they presented.....even Dr. Potts, his roommate's mom, thought it was only an inner ear thing affecting the eustacian tubes and would take a few months to work itself out, which is what our family doctor said, too. His tubes are just fine, it's the nerves way inside that were affected, and again, we are thankful that ONLY the hearing one remains damaged.
On the bright side, he has fantastic, perfect hearing in his right ear, which he was admonished to preserve with every effort possible. No lawn mowers, leaf blowers, jet engines, rifles, or rock concerts, unless he's wearing approved ear protection.
Justin has to go back in a couple weeks for more in-house tests and have an MRI performed before getting to see the Big Guy--Dr. Green. He comes highly recommended and his staff claims he is the best when it comes to things like this. Oh, by the way, the PA said they don't usually see this in men as young as Justin, but in older men who like to play with loud toys (boats, machinery, and the cars that go thump, thump, thump from the speakers.) Since Justin's malady was caused by a virus, I don't understand the correlation between the loud noise and the nerve, unless just the results are the same, and not neccessarily the cause..........anyway...
As far as treatment goes, there is none, as the damage is done. However, as Judy said, they always have some tricks to do with equipment that would transfer the "sound" from the left ear to the right ear, which hears for both then. It would not be perfect, but at least allow him to have what she referred to as "surround around" sound. Or, he can do absolutely nothing and live with it, or without it, as the case might be. We'll make that decision once the doctor has seen him, and proceed from there. The MRI is to absolutely rule out anything else going on in his head that could have affected the hearing.
Naturally, I felt terrible about it, feeling totally responsible for not addressing this matter as soon as I got home from my travels, but Judy assured us both that there was little we could have done, and at best, the 50/50 chance of reversal if treated immediately. She said it's no one's fault, and I have to believe her on that. Some people are quick to assign blame in order to "handle" a situation, but that just won't work in this case. It happens. But, I feel sad for Justin, as his worst fear was realized, not being able to hear from his left ear again---possibly. If we decide to go ahead with some helpers for his hearing, that's another story. A hearing aid will not do a thing for him since it's not the ear drum that's affected, it's a nerve that got compressed by a virus.
That's it..........

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The sun isn't even up yet...

It felt wonderful to lay down last night and I have no idea what time I fell asleep, guessing it was before 11:00. Earlier I had a houseful of friends here for a Southern Living at Home show. Jan said the very nicest things about me and my home, describing it as that--a home!
She told a little story about how one of their designers claimed she can tell much about a person by the front door of their home and by the napkins they use. I was a winner with my sunflower wreath and garish ceramics at the door, as well as using the fabulous napkins that Lori gave me for my birthday featuring two hefty "sisters" sharing a dessert. Jan took one of the napkins home with her to put in her scrapbook.
She also took photos of my house before setting up because she wanted to take advantage of the remaining light to enjoy the view. Jan told the ladies how in her long career she's gotten into many homes including some in the more posh areas of town....she nearly moved me to tears with her praise! Upon getting started it turned out only a couple ladies had attended a Southern Living party, making it all the more enjoyable. Now they know another reason for my joy---ceramics and pretty glass things!!!
There was no Bible study yesterday morning due to it being a holiday and Pastor was able to be with his family who were all off from school. Justin had class yet at UNF, but told me he's off on MLK Day.....that's another subject.
Since I had my art class in the afternoon, I utilized my 'free' morning to make my preparations for the party. Sunday night I made my ham salad, using leftovers from our CHRISTmas feast. I'd stored it in the freezer in a cookie tin, not remembering it was in there at first. What a wonderful surprise and a brilliant idea to make ham salad with it! Got rave reviews, too!
Guess it was the moving of chairs and such that tired my back, which is why it felt so wonderful to lay down. Martie had stayed to help clean up afterward while I worked with Jan. Now I have some selections to make from the catalog based upon the dollar value of the show---fun, fun, fun! Glad I'm finally off 'dish restriction'! Oh, that reminds me--my neighbor's fiance came past the door as Brenda N. was arriving so I snagged her into the fray. She loves dishes and says that Travis told her she couldn't bring home anymore little bowls and such. I asked Jessica if she is on dish restriction......I love to feed other people's passions!!! She took a catalog!
Travis is running for a seat on the County Board and has invited me to a fund raising event on Thursday night. He delivered the invitation to me after my party was wrapping up but didn't want to come in as he was already in his jammies. Oh my, the sky is simply magnificent this morning with greys and greens and salmon on the horizon. The Lord is using His entire pallet today!
We had quite a rain storm yesterday but the radio folks kept reminding us that we "dodged a bullet" as some regions west of here really got clobbered. I timed my trip down to the car for groceries just exactly right---the heavens opened as I reach the car! Dave, our 'doorman' helped me carry the bags upstairs so I didn't have to make a second trip down there. I needed the items to make my food for the party, otherwise I'd have waited until the rain ended.
Today brings only a doctor appointment after lunch, perhaps an outing with Twila and Elaine to see The Bucket List again, and then a building committee meeting tonight. Other than that stuff, a quiet day. It's time to publish the newsletter again so must end this "verbose" update (my biggest fan, Justin, told me I was 'verbose' in my postings...) and get busy on my church business.
I pray all are getting shoveled out, Jill keeps me posted on the removal thereof. Dolly said she's sick and tired of it, too, and I remind all that the door here is open to anyone wishing to vacate their premises for a break! Even when I'm gone to NYC, make yourselves homely!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Such Joy!

Robbie called it last night.
As we were filing from the Moran Theater after experiencing "La Traviata", I asked the boys if they noticed the last words spoken from the stage were, "Such joy!". Robbie said he had and then, "I'll bet that shows up in your blog." Ta da! He was absolutely correct, 'cause it needed sayin'. Am I so predictable?
Robbie, Justin and I enjoyed our meal at Juliette's before attending the opera. The location of our seats in the theater was perfect, the production extraordinary (complete with overhead "subtitles"). The newspaper calls them "supertitles" instead, which gives me an image of a cartoon character or something....I don't know what.
While we ate our dinners, the bar patrons at Juliette's provided pre-opera amusement. The 'entertainers' were people from all walks of life. One 'man' was dressed as though he was in the rodeo, complete with spurs on his cowboy boots, quite the contrast for the opera crowd. Instead of a beer, as one might expect, Tex was drinking a frothy white adult beverage--perhaps a White Russian. Odd. Fringed jacket and pants, 20-gallon hat, which he nobly doffed to an elderly couple, the old man looking like Santa, without the red outfit.
Another guy had on a formal tailcoat, eye glasses with rhinestone frames, and a black shirt unbuttoned half way down. Like Justin said, we were getting to see an opera AND a circus all in one night! Guess there was an "old" rock group performing across the street, which brought out the clowns. Okay, I just looked it up, the group playing was "Van Halen", which, according to the newspaper, didn't do too hot. And the hits just keep on comin'!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Frasier Crane is Going to Raise Some Hell!

Here I am again, laughing in my room, and scaring Lynx! This time I tuned into an episode of "Cheers" and there was Frasier, freaking out about being a "good boy" as compared to Sam, the bartender. He proceeded to run around the bar with a pair of scissors in his hand, planned to going swimming immediately after eating, and was about to go pet dogs that he didn't know where they'd been! Wow! In the course of one of his reckless, manly acts, he crossed against the light, slipped and fell on the ice, then proudly announced, "I nearly split my pants!" Whoa there buddy, better reel yourself in! I nearly split mine laughing at him!
Ordinarily I watch "Fox and Friends" but there was just no major news on today, other than the horrible campus shootings in Northern Illinios last night. Of course that just freaks me out, with having my own son on a college campus, but must have faith that the Lord is watching over him and has things in His control. The same is true when Justin is driving from his condo to this side of town---I have to simply NOT dwell on the potential dangers and do rejoice when he arrives safely!
Yesterday was spent in front of the computer, as it is most days, but my accomplishment was getting the Art Guild Board Meeting Minutes typed and sent off. This was finished just as the housekeepers arrived so I left them to their work as I ran up to visit my friends at "Great Hang Ups". Julia showed me how to search the AAA site, finding the restaurants located in proximity of our hotel in NYC. Her hubby came in to share lunch with Julia, and then another artist, Kris, arrived with brochures and such for an upcoming show at Hang Ups. It was nice to see both Mike and Kris again but I had to dash off for my hair appointment.
My special "Valentine", Pam, called and made plans for us to have dinner with some other friends at Sorbello's. We met about 6:00 or so, as members of our group kept trickling in. Justin even came over to have St. Valentine's Day dinner with his mama. It was a beehive there, and we got to see Twila Squared, as she was called in at the last minute to help with the rush of patrons. Even little Nikki was busy as Hostess, such a cute girl growing into a lovely young woman. Our meals were delicious, me having more than half come home for another time. Yummy!
Wednesday night was blessed one, traveling over to Victory to hear a special musical event and worship service. Lynne and Janet, my friends from church, rode with me, with Fausto and Julaine already there. Our arrival was timely enough to enjoy a light supper before the concert began, which was lovely, too. The musicians, both from WI, called "In His Service", skillfully performed some traditional Lutheran hymns, mostly of a Lenten theme. Of course, their rendition of "Amazing Grace" just put us away and Janet was quick with the tissue distribution. There is just something about this anthem that moves our hearts! Lynne bought me one of their CD's as a 'thank you' for the ride, which was not expected but greatly appreciated. It was marvelous being with these other brothers and sisters in Christ, especially being the first time at Victory for my passengers.
Today I am off to the Friday Musicale and then am coming straight back to enjoy a late lunch with my boy. We are hungry for fried rice but with this concert being at Riverside, I can't get back here in time for Koko's. Nuts! He's got some plans for tonight and I am making some chili which I'll enjoy for dinner. Yes, at home.........of course, these plans are subject to change on a moments' notice! Chili that a redundancy??? Pick, pick, pick!
Speaking of chili---Justin reports that his treatments at the physical therapist make him cold, as they put an ice wrap on him for 10 minutes. I hated that when I went to PT for my goofy knee. I don't care what they say, ice is NOT my friend! He did like some other form of therapy done with heat, and then traction. I pray he gets some relief from his pain and weakness through this therapy.
Ooooh, high temp of 79 on's getting better right along! Beach, anyone??? I'll bet Jill is getting airfare prices right this minute, as she's about had it with this horrible winter up there in Dairyland!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hey, where's the sunshine???

Somehow I managed to get out of bed without benefit of my natural alarm clock, and I'm not referring to 'nature's call'. The sun wasn't shining on me! Man, I hate that, it sets the tone for the day. Guess it's not good to let that happen because just imagine how miserable people must feel where it's dark, cloudy, freezing cold, and just plain yukky outside...... Oh good, the weatherman just said we'd see temps in the low 70's by the end of this week. That helps to cheer me some. I shouldn't feel so grumpy as I've had a productive morning already, having made the reservations for Justin and my trip to NYC over Spring Break. We found suitable flights and a lovely hotel in proximity to the MOMA which might save some cab fare. I insisted Justin take a solemn vow NOT to complain about our hotel or any travel arrangements with the caveat that I am permitted to murmur if required.
Earlier this a.m. I joined AAA to secure substantial savings for the airfare/hotel combo in NYC. Justin is covered as well which is nice. He said the sweetest thing to me when I told him about joining AAA. His words were something like "I want you to be safe". Awww, that boy is just a gem! I got my sunshine after all!!!!
While still under my covers I addressed and stuffed a mess of envelopes for a mailing to our church members away from "home". Who says I can't multi-task? I could keep warm and comfy, take care of business while laughing my head off (again!) at Fraiser!
One episode that tickled me was where Fraiser's radio program was put in the overnight time slot and he was having the worst time trying to sleep with all the commotion going on in his apartment. Niles had shown up asking to borrow his father's pistol for protection for Maris, saying he wanted to "pack some heat". Fraiser rolled his eyes and exclaimed, "You can't even light a barbeque!!" Pack some heat, indeed!
The next morning Niles showed up at the door with a starter's pistol in a leather carrying case and was sort of dancing around with it, and accidently fired a shot. Niles leapt on to the sofa with the gun in his hand, Daphne ducked behind a door, Eddie ran for cover, and Martin froze in his steps. Fraiser, who'd just tried going back to bed for the third time came running back out of his room, hair all standing up and eyes looking wild, finding his household in total bedlam. Niles asked, "Oh, Fraiser, just getting up?", as though nothing had happened. Fraiser was flailing his arms and shouted something about "gun play" and I just lost it. Poor Lynx went flying---again!
Speaking of life's simple pleasures--yesterday I was watering Timmy's lemon tree which is parked in my "river room" and am thrilled to see the number of possible fruit forming on the branches. If even one of them becomes a full-sized lemon, I'll be beside myself with glee. Once ripe, I can cut it open and remove the seeds for replanting. I have only one of my "offspring" left from the last time I did this, as I shared some of the "babies" with Justin's father, and another container I had of them disappeared from the base of the tree when it was outside by the railing. It broke my heart to lose that pot of seedlings but it was my mistake putting them out there in the first place.
So, anyway, I try not to spook the tree but simply make sure it's well watered and knows how much I love it! (In reading back through the previous paragraph, I found it interesting that I mentioned having only one offspring left----in more ways than just the lemon trees.........)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"My face hurts from smiling!"

These were Linda's words as we left the Symphony hall. It was a wonderful show, "Love, Romance, and Big Band" featuring a singer named Lynn Roberts, who performed with many of the bands back in the day. Wow!, could she ever sing!
After watching Blazing Saddles, we had to switch gears, put on our symphony pants, and head downtown for dinner and the symphony. Our dinner at Juliette's was lovely and the service exquisite. We had some time before the concert so sat in the lobby of the Omni for a bit before heading over. Oops! I went out the wrong door and we ended up pointed in a different direction than the Times-Union Center. A nice guide on the street got us "on the right track" toward the hall, but I hated adding extra steps to Linda's poor knee. I guess we'd have had the same number of steps inside the hotel but was a pleasant evening and no rush to get there.
From our seats in Box 2, we had a perfect view of the orchestra, conductor, and performer. It was awesome. When I'd called Linda to ask about going to the symphony, she told me it would be wonderful, especially since she was listening to Big Band music as we spoke. Again, perfect! It was a real toe-tapping show, and Linda was just blown away by the experience, telling me at intermission that she couldn't stop smiling. Now, I was the one blown away!
In 2006, Paul and Emily used my tickets for the Oktoberfest symphony program. They so enjoyed the night out, the concert and performers. The next day at church, Paul thanked me up and down for the treat, telling me that "Emily didn't stop smiling all evening". That is a wonderful thing to hear and I got to hear it twice!!!!
On this "note" the official Linda J. Day came to a close. We made it home before 11:00 so put our feet up and watched the end of a weird movie called "Powder". I wonder if I'd like to see the whole thing to make some sense from it, or if I've seen enough.....only I can answer that. Of course, if you read further down this blog, or up, as the case might be, you'll see that Sunday with Linda was spent at church, lunch with Judy J., home, and then off to the movies and dinner with Justin and Martie.
To sum up the Church Secretary's Union Meeting weekend, I'll use Linda's words to me, expressed in the movie theater after seeing 'The Bucket List': (paraphrasing now) "I don't have to search for joy in my life--it's sitting right here next to me..."

We re-convene for our next event!

Saturday afternoon and evening of Linda J. Day were planned around cultural events. The First Coast Writer's group sponsored a speaker, Carol O'Dell, whom I've heard speak previously at writer's conferences. Her topic was about getting published and writing savvy---her own experience being the book she wrote: "Mothering Mother".
I'd asked Linda if she minded spending part of her visit listening to an author speak and she was cool with it. In fact, as we went around the room introducing ourselves, Linda said she wasn't a writer but was a "reader". Carol O'Dell said, "We LOVE our readers!" Linda J. was a hit! Linda's mom has a similar illness so it will be a much appreciated read for Linda and her sister. It was a great choice to hear this speaker!
Linda O. helped me to track down a friend hers, also named Carol, (I have Carols and Lindas coming out of my ears!!!), who I remembered was writing a book of similar subject matter. Carol W. told me afterward that prior to my contacting her, she'd put the manuscript away for awhile. Now she is renewed and has started working again, planning to use Spring Break for some serious writing time. It pays to track people down and stir them once in a while........I should take my own advice!
I must pause here to mention that it was Linda O., with whom Justin and I had dinner after church last week, who put Carol W. and me together last spring. Linda O. had a wonderful "Beach Bash", where she thanked all the ladies who'd supported her after the sudden death of her husband, Dale. We ladies from all walks of life, of Linda's walk in life, hit it off nicely. It was a sincere privilege and pleasure to be there for Linda, both when Dale died and at the Beach Bash!
Linda J. was thrilled with the afternoon's literary exposure, as she read excerpts from her newly autographed book. We had some marination time before the next event, so we turned on the TV, putting our feet up to take a cat nap. That didn't last, as we caught the end of "Blazing Saddles", and were laughing our fool heads off! Linda told me that Tommy and she had gone to see it at the theater and both fell asleep! What??? Now when watching it, she found the scenes most humorous and promised to rent it to watch again. I hope it's as funny for them as it was for the two of us! Somehow I doubt that!!!!

Minutes from Linda J. Day!

I hope my readers are able to keep up with these Minutes of the Church Secretary's Union Meeting....which are being presented in reverse order! Is that parliamentary? I'd guess probably not!
Saturday was designated by the Union members as "Linda J. Day" which began with a therapeutic massage by Carol. It was Linda's first massage and she is sold! One of the first things she's going to do when arriving back "home" is find a therapist for herself, because it was so beneficial. It didn't take away her wounded knee, and it won't for the first treatment, but overall, it's a wonderful experience and Linda loved it!
No visit to Salon 2000 is complete without stopping at Great Hang Ups, so we popped in there following her massage. Julia did some hotel research for me on the computer using her AAA membership and found some great deals, pursuading me to join AAA. The savings on the hotel and airfare more than pay for the membership fee! Those ladies at Great Hang Ups are truly full service, don't ever doubt that!
Justin, who had been staying at his father's with Mickey (oh, my goodness, I nearly typed "Timmy" instead of Mickey!!) joined us for lunch at Honey Bee's. While there we ran into Michael, my former co-worker. It was great to see him and we've made plans to get together later in the month. Our meals were wonderful, reminiscent of Sister's Tea Room, to whom these new owners are related. Hence, the delicious corn chowder...mmmmmm! Justin was heading to get his hair cut and an oil change, two separate appointments (ha, ha, ha) so off he went. Linda and I came back home to allow her to 'marinate', as Carol calls it, before we once again headed out the door to our next event for Linda J. Day!
So goes the first half of the official "Linda J. Day"!

The Church Secretary's Union Meetings commence!

The ladies at church were quizzing Linda about all the fun we'd had so far during her visit. One asked if I was cooking wonderful meals for her....ha, ha, ha, very funny! At first Linda was going to say, "oh, yes..." but caught herself before falling into the trap. We did relate our schedule of activities which thoroughly exhausted them!
Here goes----on the way home from the airport, we discussed our menu creation planned for dinner and just how long it would take for Jell-o to set, and decided we had time for lunch and a strawberry margarita at La Nopalera....after all, our theme for the dinner was "From the Heart"! Strawberries are red, the heart is red, so there!
Upon arriving home, Linda got settled into her quarters as I mixed up the Jell-o and applesauce, a low-calorie but highly flavorful concoction for the themed dinner. We chatted until the ladies started to arrive and all enjoyed a lovely feast of heartfelt foods. We had two tablesfull of guests, including Justin and his roommates, a perfect chance for a full, hot meal for these starving boys.
Friday morning we headed to St. Johns Town Center Mall to the Joann store to buy paper, inks, and other cropping supplies for the card making night planned at church. We needed Easter/spring colors and believe we found the right "flavors" to enhance the papers. When Justin got out of class he joined us for a lovely lunch, dining el fresco at the Cheesecake Factory. The patio had heaters which kept us thin-blooded transplants cozy as we ate. Linda and I spent some time and money in the bookstore and then went to see Justin's condo. All three boys were home so we had a nice visit before heading back over here to cut up the papers needed to make the cards for cropping.
Linda and I got everything set up for cropping at church and at first it seemed no one was joining us, but then we ended up with a nice group. Linda got busy with the card making, saying she loved to do it, so the rest of us worked on our projects while she stamped, glued, and assembled a stack of Easter cards. Man, she's quick! Jean worked on her black velvet coloring project (she told us that's her craft and now we believe her!) and the rest worked on our albums. Great fun, good pizza, and a relatively early night--home by 10:00! Thanks, Linda, for making the cards for our members away!
...and the morning and the evening were her second day!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Linda and Kim's Big Adventure, coming to a close...

Linda set the "Kramer" clock inside her head to wake in time for sunrise this morning, her final opportunity before heading back to WI today. The Lord painted a lovely picture for her, for us, minus the dramatic clouds which help diffuse the gorgeous colors. We both photographed the beginning of the day to help capture the memory of this wonderful long weekend together. I am a bit dehydrated as I've had nothing to drink (no Diet Coke!!!) or any food until after Justin and I get our blood work done. We were npo (a little medical lingo there) after midnight, and I do so enjoy my soda first thing in the morning, as one does coffee. Once back from the blood work Linda and I will be heading off to Bible study, as Justin heads to work. He's been staying at his father's house watching Mickey the Dog, at least letting Mickey out at night and setting him free in the morning.

Last night Justin joined Martie, Linda, and me for a movie and dinner. We saw "The Bucket List" which will probably affect us the rest of our days. Two terminally ill men meet in the hospital, make up a list of things to achieve or experience before they 'kick the bucket'. I think we'll never forget that movie or its message. Justin may not have the same appreciation for the prospect of facing ones' demise, but for us "older" women of faith, oh yeah.....we were hysterical at times, both with laughter and tears, while being filled with contemplation.

Jack Nicholson's character was a wealthy man with no room in his vast intellect or bank account for faith in the Lord, and expressed envy for those of us that do. The other man was a believer in God and an honorable family man of modest means who had to make many compromises due to his circumstances. The wealthy man helped him realize his dreams, while being influenced by the "faithfulness" of the poorer man.....I am trying not to give it away!!!

As I am writing this, a finger of the sun's reflection is stretching across the water toward me, as it were an arrow. It's lining up directly at my window, moving closer, inch by inch. Majestic! In last night's movie, one of the wishes of Morgan Freeman's character was to view something "majestic" before he died. I get to enjoy something of majesty every single day, particularly on days when the sun isn't dimmed by fog or clouds. The river is majestic on its own; therefore, I can cross 'see something majestic' from my Bucket List!!

I'll be catching you up with a moment by moment "visit with Linda" but not today. We have to capitalize on the last of our time before she heads back to WI. I pray the weather will be okay for her travels once back on the Frozen Tundra!